and, fighting his very best, perishes there, he and almost all his people. Which done, Jarl Hakon, who is in readiness, attacks Gold Harald, the victorious but the wearied ; easily beats Gold Harald, takes him prisoner, and instantly hangs and ends him, to the huge joy of King Blue-tooth and Hakon ; who now make instant voyage to Norway; drive all the brother under-kings into rapid flight to the Orkneys, to any readiest shelter ; and so, under the patronage of Blue- tooth, Hakon, with the title of Jarl, becomes ruler of Norway. This foul treachery done on the brave and honest Harald Greyfell is by some dated about a.d. 969, by Munch, 965, by others, computing out of Snorro only, a.d. 975. For there is always an uncer- tainty in these Icelandic dates (say rather, rare and rude attempts at dating, without even an *a.d.' or other fixed * year one ' to go upon in Iceland), though seldom, I think, so large a discrepancy as here.