That was the recipe coDtrived for Gold Harald; recipe for King Greyfell goes into the same phial, and is also ready. Hitherto the Hakon-Blue-tooth disturbances in Norway had amounted to but little. King GreyfeU, a veiy^ active and vaHant man, has constantly, without much difficulty, repelled these sporadic bits of troubles; but GreyfeU, all the same, would willingly have peace with dangerous old Blue-tooth (ever anxious to get his clutches over Norway on any terms), if peace with him could be had. Blue-tooth, too, professes every willingness ; inveigles Greyfell, he and Hakon do, to have a friendly meeting on the Danish borders, and not only settle aU these quarrels, but generously settle Greyfell in certain fiefe which he claimed in Denmark itself ; and so swear everlasting firiendship. Greyfell joyfully complies, punctually appears at the appointed day in LymQord Sound, the appointed place. Where- upon Hakon gives signal to Gold Harald, * To Lymf- jord with these nine ships of yours, swift!' Gold Harald flies to Lym^ord with his ships, challenges King Harald Greyfell to land and fight ; which the undaunted Greyfell, though so far outnumbered, does; 92