1559; yesterday, Sunday 10th, at St. Andrews, whither Knox had hastened on summons, he preached publicly in the Kirk there, mindful of his prophecy from the French galleys, fifteen years ago, and re- gardless of the truculent Hamilton, Archbishop and still official ruler of the place ; who had informed him the night before that if he should presume to try such a tiling, he (the truculent Archbishop) would have him saluted with ' twelve culverings, the most ' part of which would land upon his nose.' The fruit of which sermon had been the sudden flight to Falkland over night of Eight Reverend Hamilton (who is here again, much astonished, on Cupar Muir this day), and the open declaration and arming of St. Andrews town in favour of Knox and his cause. The Queen Eegent, as was her wont, only half kept her pacific treaty. Herself and her Frenchmen did, indeed, retire wholly to the south side of the Forth; quitting Fife altogether; but of all other points there was a perfect neglect. Her garrison refused to quit Perth, as per bargain, and needed a blast or two of siege-artillery, and danger of speedy