'rencountered the other, then had all gone richt.
- But the sanctuary, we suppose, saved the lives of
- many. How merilie soever this be written, it was
'bitter bourding' {mirth) 'to the Cardinal and his
- court. It was more than irregularity ; yea it micht
- weel have been judged lease-majesty to the son of
' perdition, the Pape's awn person ; and yet the other 'in his folly, as proud as a pacock, would let the ' Cardinal know that he was Bishop when the other ' was but Beaton before he gat Abirbrothok ' {Abbacy of Arbroath in 1523, twenty-two years ago, from Ms uncle, — tmcle retaining half of the revenues).* This happened on the 4th June 1545 ; and seemed to have planted perpetual enmity between these two Church dignitaries ; and yet, before the end of Feb- ruary following, — Pope's Legate Beaton being in immediate need of Eight Eevd. Gowkston's signature for the burning of martyr Wishart at St. Andrews, — these two servants of His Infernal Majesty were brought to a cordial reconcilement, and brotherhood in doing their father's will; no less a miracle, says Knox, than * took place at the accusation and death
- Works of Knox, i. pi). 145-7.
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