f* chancellor of Scotland. The Cardinal comes even f^'this same year, in the end of harvest, to Glasgow; J* upon what purpose we omit. But while they f * remain together, the one in the town, and the other
- in the Castle, question rises for bearing of their
■* croces ' {croziers). ' The Cardinal alledged, by reason
- of his Cardinalship, and that he was Legatus Natus
- and Primate within Scotland in the Kingdom of
•* Antichrist, that he should have the pre-eminence, "* and that his croce should not only go before, but ■*that also, it should only be borne wheresoever he was. Good Gukstoun Glaikstour' {GowJcston Mad- ster) ' the foresaid Archbishop, lacked no reasons, as ' he thought, for maintenance of his glorie : He was
- ane Archbishop in his own diocese, and in his awn
^ Cathedral seat and Church, and therefore aught to ' give place to no man : the power of the Cardinal 'f was but begged from Eome, and appertained but to fhis own person, and not to his bishoprick; for it f might be that his successor should not be Cardinal. f But his dignity was annexed with his office, and did
- appertain to aU that ever should be Bishops of
- Glasgow. Howsoever these doubts were resolved by