straightway to the Cardinal, — who was expressly waiting in the neighbourhood, and at once rolled ojff with him to Edinburgh Castle, soon after to the Castle of St. Andrews (to the grim old oubliette a la Louis XI., still visible there) ; and, in a month more to death by the gallows and by fire. This was one of the first still conspicuous foul deeds of Patrick Hep- burn, Earl of Bothwell, in this world, who in his time did so many. The memory of all this had naturally in Knox's mind a high and mournful beauty, all the rest of his life. Wishart came to St. Andrews in the end of January 1546, and was mercilessly put to death there on the first of March following. Connected unexpectedly with the tragic end of Wishart, and in singular contrast to it, here is another excerpt, illustrating another side of Knox's mind. It describes a fight between the Crozier- bearers of Dunbar Archbishop of Glasgow and of Cardinal Beaton.
- The Cardinal was known proud; and Dumbar,
- Archbishop of Glasgow, was known a glorious fool ;
- and yet because sometimes he was called the King's
'Maister' {Jiad been tutor to James F.), 'he was