pearance less tlian a century old, are written these words : * Rev. Mr. John Knox. The first sacrament ' of the Supper given in Scotland after the Eeforma- ' tion, was dispensed by him in this hall.' A state- ment, it appears, which is clearly erroneous, if that were of much moment. The Picture as a guide to the real likeness of Knox was judged by us to offer no help whatever ; but does surely testify the Protestant zeal of some departed Lord Torphichen ; and indeed it is not improbable that the conspicuous fidelity of that noble house in all its branches to Knox and his Reformation, from first to last, through all his and its perils and struggles, has been the chief cause of its singular currency in Scotland, in the later generation or two. Certain the picture is a poor and altogether commonplace reproduction of the Beza Figure-head ; and has nevertheless, as I am assured by judgments better than my own, been the progenitor of all, or nearly all, the incredible Knoxes, the name of which is now legion. JSTearly all, I said, not quite all, for one or two set up to be originals, not said by whom, and seem to partake more of the Hondius type ; having a sullen or sulky expression superadded to the self-