< Page:The Early Kings of Norway.djvu
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  • entendre, afin qii^on n'imjmtast d Vauteur cho8e% quHl

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'■ cline a y mettre la main. Goulart's treatment of his, Baza's, original is of the most conscientious exactitude ; the translation every- where correct to a comma ; true everywhere to Beza's meaning, and wherever possible, giving a touch of new lucidity ; he uses the same woodcuts that Beza did, plus only his own eleven, of which, as already said, there is no mention or hint. In one instance, and not in any other, has an evident misfortune befallen him, in the person of his printer ; the printer had two wood- cuts to introduce ; one of Jean Diaze, — a tragic Spanish Protestant, fratricidally murdered at ISTeuburg in the Oberpfalz, 1546, — the other of Melchior Wolmar, an early German friend and loved intimate of Beza's, from whom Beza, at Orleans, had learned Greek : the two Icons in outline have a certain vague similarity, which had deceived the too hasty printer of Goulart, who, after inserting Beza's Icon uf Diaze, again inserts it, instead of Wolmar. Tliis is the one mistake or

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