ships lay not far off in Ouse Hiver, in case of the worst. The battle that ensued the next day, Septem- ber 20, 1066, is forever memorable in English history. Snorro gives vividly enough his vlov/ of it from the Icelandic side: A ring of stalwart Norsemen, close ranked, with their steel tools in hand ; English Harold's Army, mostly cavalry, prancing and prick- ing all around ; trying to find or make some opening in that ring. For a long time trying in vain, till at length, getting them enticed to burst out somewhere in pursuit, they quickly turned round, and quickly made an end of that matter. Snorro represents English Harold, with a first party of these horse coming up, and, with preliminary salutations, asking if Tosti were there, and if Harald wore ; making generous proposals to Tosti ; but, in regard to Harald and what share of England was to be his, answering Tosti with the words, " Seven feet of English earth, or more if he require it, for a grave." Upon which Tosti, like an honourable man and copartner, said, " No, never ; let us fight you rather till we all die." " Who is this that spoke to you ? " inquired Harald, when the cavaliers had with- drawn. My brother Harold," answers Tosti, which