Dahlmann, for tlio amplest information and such minuteness of detail as miglit almost enable him to be an Advocate, with Silk Gown, in any Court depending on these Grey-geese. Magnus did not live long. He had a dream one night of his Father Olaf's coming to him in shining presence, and announcing. That a magnificent fortune and world-great renown was now possible for him ; but that perhaps it was his duty to refuse it ; in which case his earthly life would be short. "Which way wilt thou do, then ? " said the shining presence. " Thou shalt decide for me. Father, thou, not I ! " and told his Uncle Harald on the morrow, adding that he thought he should now soon die ; which proved to be the fact. The magnificent fortune, so questionable otherwise, has reference, no doubt, to the Conquest of England ; to which country Magnus, as rightful and actual King of Denmarky as well as undisputed heir to drunken Harda-Knut, by treaty long ago, had now some evident claim. The enterprise itself was reserved to the patient, gay and prudent Uncle Harald ; and to him it did prove fatal, — and merely paved the way for Another, luckier, not likelier !