Harald in England, — light-going little figure like his father hefore him, — got the name of Harefoot here ; aid might have done good work among his now orderly and settled people ; hut he died almost within year and day ; and has left no trace among us, except that of * Harefoot,* from his swift mode of walking. Emma and her Harda-Knut now returned joyful to England. But the violent, idle and drunken Harda- Knut did no good there; and, happily for England and him, soon suddenly ended, hy stroke of apoplexy at a marriage festival, as mentioned ahove. In Den- mark he had done still less good. And indeed, under him, in a year or two, the grand imperial edifice, laboriously built by Knut's valour and wisdom, had already tumbled all to the ground, in a most un- expected and remarkable way. As we are now to indicate with all brevity. Svein's tyrannies in Norway had wrought such fruit that, within the four years after Olaf 's death, the chief men in Norway, the very slayers of King Olaf, Kalf Arneson at the head of them, met secretly once or twice; and unanimously agreed that Kalf Arneson must go to Sweden, or to Russia itself; seek young I