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Mansfield, Katherine. The Garden Party and Other Stories 230

Mare, Walter de la. See de la Mare.

Masters, Edgar Lee. Children of the Market Place 457

Maupassant, Guy de. See de Maupassant.

Moore, George. Astrolabe.—Avowals.—The Confessions of a Young Man.—Esther Waters.—Hail and Farewell.—Héloïse and Abélard.—Lewis Seymour and Some Women 664

Murray, Gilbert. Tradition and Progress 355

Murray, John, editor. Lord Byron's Correspondence 453

Murry, J. Middleton. Still Life.—The Things We Are 671

Nerval, Gerard de. See de Nerval.

Nichols, Robert. Guilty Souls 581

Norris, Kathleen. Certain People of Importance 580

Noyes, Alfred. Watchers of the Sky 236

O'Donovan, Gerald. Vocations 354

Orage, A. E. Readers and Writer 228

Overton, Grant. The Answerer 234

Palmer, John. The Happy Fool 579

Papini, Giovanni. Ernest Hatch Wilkins, translator Four and Twenty Minds 675

Parker, H. T. Eighth Notes 683

Parsons, Elsie Clews, editor. American Indian Life 568

Paul, Elliot H. Indelible 112

Pennell, E.R. & J. The Whistler Journal 354

Pérochon, Ernest. Nêne 235

Perromat, Charles. William Wycherley: sa Vie, son Œuvre 114

Piccoli, Raffaello. Benedetto Croce 349

Poole, Ernest. Millions 680

Pound, Roscoe. The Spirit of the Common Law 222

Prescott, F. C. The Poetic Mind 103

Punch. Mr. Punch's History of England, by Charles L. Graves 458

Pyne, Zoë Kendrick. The Life of Palestrina 693

Quick, Herbert. Vandemark's Folly 353

Rich, Edwin Giles, adapter. The Adventures of Don Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes 582

Richards, G. C., translator. Greek Vase-Painting, by Ernst Buschor 236

Roche, Mazo de la. See de la Roche.

Rolland, Romain. Charles De Kay, translator. Pierre and Luce 353

Royden, A. Maude. Sex and Common Sense 458

Rumsey, Frances. Ascent 580

Saintsbury, George. A Letter Book 235

Sandburg, Carl. Slabs of the Sunburnt West 563

Santayana, George. Soliloquies in England, and Later Soliloquies 559

Schevill, Ferdinand. The Balkan Peninsula 669

Scott, C. Dawson-. See Dawson-Scott.

Scott, Evelyn. Narcissus.—The Narrow House 346

Sedgwick, Anne Douglas. Adrienne Toner 234

Seymour, Beatrice Kean. Intrusion 234

{{sc|Sheridan, Clare. My American Diary 115

Sherman, Stuart P. On Contemporary Literature 555

Singmaster, Elsie. Bennett Malin 680

Slosson, Edwin E., and June E. Downey. Plots and Personalities 459

Spaeth, J. Duncan, translator. Old English Poetry 458

Speare, Dorothy. Dancers in the Dark 113

Spengler, Oswald. Der Untergang des Abendlandes 647

Squire, J. C. Poems: Second Series 108

Stirling, A. M. W. William De Morgan and His Wife 581

Strachey, Lytton. Books and Characters 338

Strachey, Marjorie. David, Son of Jesse 233

Tannaenbaum, Frank. Wall Shadows 236

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