Authors and Titles
Aiken, Conrad. Priapus and the Pool
Alexander, Hartley Burr. Odes and Lyrics
Armstrong, Harold H. For Richer, For Poorer
Aumonier, Stacy. Heartbeat
Austen, Jane. Love and Freindship
Babbitt, Irving. Rousseau and Romanticism
Barrets, J. L., translator. Very Woman, by Re
Berr, CLIvVE. Cézanne . .
Joun PeaLE, and EDMUND Wn.sox Jr EpwiN. The Soul of a Child BopenueiM, MaxweLL. Introducing Irony Botrome, PryLLis. The Kingfisher .
MY DE Goumom‘ .
Bovp, ERNEST, translator. Boule de Suife DE MAUPAS-
SANT. Lacerteux, by EpmonD and BriNk, Roscoe W. Down the River .. Brooxks, VAN Wyck. Letters and . BrowN, ALiCcE. One Act Plays . . Bruun, Laurips. The Promised Isle
JuLEs DE Goncoux'r .
JonannNes. W. W, and His God . BucaHoLTZ, JoHANNES. W. W. WoRSTER, translator. The Miracles of Clara Van
Buschor, ExnsT. G. C. RicHARDS, translator. Byrown, Lorp. JounN MuRrray, editor. Lord Byron’s Correspondence .
Caxsy, H. S. Definitions .
Carr, GenNe. Kid Kartoons .
CarsweLLr, CATHERINE. The Camomllc :
CATHER, My Antonia.—One of Ours
CervanTtes, Micuer pe. EpwiN GiLe Rich, .. .
CuestERTON, G. K. in
Coss, ANN. Kinfolks .
Covrcorp, LiNcoLN. An Instrument Gods
a;iap.tcr 'I:hc'Ad.ver;tur-es of Don
CoLum, Papraic. The Children Who Followed the Pni)er
Noker. Terribly Intimate Portraits Croce, BENEDETTO. The Poetry of Dante .
Prince oF GErRMANY. Memoirs of the Crown Prmce Gcrmany
Cumnangs, E. E. The Enormous Room
Dana, EtHeL NaTHALIE, compiler. The Story of Jesus Coe e Rusen. B. McMicHAEL, translator. Prosas Profanas
Daxx, Sipney. An Outline of Wells . Eprtu. Sareel . . Dawson-Scorr, C. The .. DE GONCOURT, and JurLes. ErNEesT Bo DE Remy. JounN Howarp, translator.
DE GourMoNT, REMY. J. L. BARRETS, translator.
De Kay, CHARLES, translator. Pierre and Luce, Deiarieip, E. M. Humbug . .o DE LA MARE, WALTER. The Veil .
DE LA RocHE, Mazo. Explorers of the Dawn
YD, translator. Germinie Lacerteux Mr. Antiphilos, :
Very Woman
DE MADARIAGA, SALVADOR, translator. Spanish Folk S Songs
DE MauprassanT, Guy, Boyp, translator.
Boule de Smf;: —Madcmoxsellc
PAGE 5§63 236 456 579 682 55§ 353 §74 233 446 234
680 682 5§55 114 681
580 236 453
555 684
681 438
582 683 113 682 §82 457 114 355
§82 354 457 §80 457 680 233 353 353 233 114 113 684 680