"Veil, Sir, vot I says I'll stick to."
"Yes, Sir, like vax, as the saying is."
"Wot d'ye mean by that. Sir?"
"Wot I say, Sir!"
"You 're a individual. Sir!"
"You 're another, Sir!"
"You 're no gentleman. Sir!"
"You 're a humbug, Sir!"
"You 're a knave, Sir!"
"You 're a rogue. Sir!"
"You 're a wagabond, Sir!"
"You 're a willain. Sir!"
"You 're a tailor. Sir!"
"You 're a cobler, Sir!" (Order! order! chair! chair! &c.
The above is what is called personal language. How many different things one word serves to express in English! A pronoun may be as personal as possible, and yet nobody will take offence at it.
There are five Personal Pronouns; namely, I, thou, he, she, it; with their plurals, we, ye or you, they.
Personal Pronouns admit of person, number, gender, and case.
Pronouns have three persons in each number.
In the Singular;
I, is the first person.
Thou, is the second person.
He, she, or it, is the third person.
In the plural;
We, is the first person.
Ye or you, is the second person.
They, is the third person.