"As for me, as soon I'd smother.
As I'd drown a sucking cat.
You, you cub, or any other,
Nasty little squalling brat."
This form may take an additional long syllable, but this measure is very uncommon. Example:
"Chrōnŏnhōtǒnthōlǒgōs thĕ Grēat,
Godlike in a barrow kept his state."
5. The fifth Trochaic species is likewise uncommon; and, as a Bowbellian would say, "uncommon" ugly, It contains five trochees: as,
"Hēre lĭes Mārў, wīfe ŏf Thōmăs Cārtěr,
Who to typhus fever proved a martyr."
These are a specimen of the "uncouth rhymes" so touchingly alluded to by Gray.
6. The sixth form of the English Trochaic is a line of six trochees: as,
"Mōst běwītching dāmsěl, charmĭng Arăbēllă,
Prithee, cast an eye of pity on a fellow."
The Dactylic measure is extremely uncommon. The