Shakesperian Association of Leicester Chartists, 211
Sheffield, 76, 119, 130, 168, 186, 191, 227
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 200
Short Parliaments, 4, 5, 6, 63, 101, 160
Silk Trade, the, Coventry, 11-13
Six Acts, the, 98, 146, 309
Six Points of the Charter, 2, 301-302
Skevington, Chartist, 168
Slosson, P. W., his The Decline of the Chartist Movement, 275, 292, 293
Smallwood, Birmingham Chartist, 178
Smart, Chartist, 144, 196
Smith, Adam, 35, 37
Smith, J. B., 168
Smith, Dr. Southwood, 207
Smith, Thomas, 275
Socialism, 30-39
Society for National Regeneration, 47, 87
Somerville, Alexander, his Autobiography, 263
His Warnings to the People on Street Warfare, 264
Spence, Thomas, 31, 32, 33-34, 35
His Rights of Infants, 33-34
Spencer, Herbert, 241, 244
Spencer, Thomas, 244, 248
Spring Rice, Thomas, 102
Spurr, R., 209
Stafford Gaol, 276
Staffordshire, 22, 24, 260, 266
Stamp duty on newspapers, abolition of, 53
Stanhope, Lord, 6
Steffen, G. F., his Geschichte der Englischen Lohnarbeit, 15
Stephens, George, 88
Stephens, Joseph Raynor, 71, 74, 87-91, 93, 97, 111, 118, 120, 121, 171, 187, 188, 189, 202, 305, 306
Stirling, 106
Stockholm, 88
Stockport, 227
Stoke-on-Trent, 131
Stone, Staffs, 151
Stourbridge, 129
Strutt of Derby, 150
Sturge, Joseph, 242-250, 251, 253, 264, 265
His Reconciliation between the Middle and the Working Classes, 242-243
His Declaration, 243
Suffolk, 80
Sunderland, 64, 169, 196, 246, 299
Mechanics' Institute, 64
Sutton-in-Ashfield, 124, 128
Taylor, James, 164, 169, 191, 196
Taylor, Dr. John, 120, 133, 153, 154, 156, 164, 173, 174
Thomason, Chartist delegate, 253
Thompson, Colonel Perronet, 73, 283
Thompson, William, 17, 31, 39, 32, 44, 47, 49
His Distribution of Wealth, 65
Tillman, William, 199
Tiverton, 198
Todmorden, 14, 86-87, 91, 184, 227, 260, 262
Trade Collapse, 1815, 8, 12, 15, 16, 99
Societies—attitude towards Chartism, 169
Trades Union Movement, 43, 45, 46, 52, 71, 72, 252, 274, 276, 304
Trades Union, Grand National Consolidated, 46, 53
Trier, 286
Tristan, Flora, 121
Trowbridge, 75, 131, 154, 234
Truck, 10, 17, 20, 24
Tyneside, 269
Ulterior Measures, 105, 134, 148-149, 159
Unearned Increment, the, 33, 35
Union, Repeal of the, 252
United States, 99
Universal Suffrage, 255-256
Central Committee for Scotland, 193
Urquhart, David, 175-185
Utopia, More's, 30
Veitch, G. S., 5, 6
Victors, Queen, 103, 183, 254, 280, 307
Letters of, 291, 292
Vincent, Henry, 33, 64, 71, 75, 76, 107, 117, 129, 130, 133, 151, 187, 188, 200, 203, 209, 235, 236, 245-250
Wade, Dr., Vicar of Warwick, 38, 49, 61, 75, 106, 109, 131, 191, 244, 248
Wages, 12-18, 20, 21, 81
Wales, 25, 117, 138, 139, 196
Wallas, Graham, 50, 52, 102
His Life of Francis Place, 62, 73
Warden, Chartist, 186, 187
Warminster Guardians, libel on, 221
Warwick, 171
Gaol, 166
Waterloo, Battle of, 8, 287
Watson, James, 38, 49, 53, 58-59, 73, 209
Weavers, Cotton, 13-16
silk, 13-15
wool, 17-18
Webb, S. and B., their History of Trade Unionism, 130
Wellington, Duke of, 283, 290
Welshpool, 171
Wemyss, Colonel, 141, 151, 153, 158, 174, 184
West, of Macclesfield, 214
Westrapp, Chartist, 176
West Riding, Yorkshire, 17, 87, 134, 196, 261
White, George, 224, 241, 253
Whittle, James, 111, 150
Wigan, 112
Wigton, 158
Wilderspin, educational writer, 207
Willenhall, 27, 129
Williams, Hugh, 117