Baxter (G. R. W.). The Book of the Bastilles. History of the New Poor Law. 1841.
Beer (M.). Geschichte des Sozialismus in England. Stuttgart, 1913.
Benbow (William). Grand National Holiday and Congress of the Productive Classes. London, 1831.
Bray (J. F.). Labour's Wrongs and Labour's Remedy: or, the Age of Might and the Age of Right. Leeds, 1839.
Brentano (Lujo). Die christliche-sociale Bewegung in England. Leipzig, 1883.
——— Die englische Chartistenbewegung; Preussische Jahrbücher, Bd. 33 (1874).
Brewster (P.). The Seven Chartist and Military Discourses, ordered by the Assembly's Commission to be libelled by the Paisley Presbytery. Paisley, 1842.
Brief Sketches of the Birmingham Conference. London, 1842. [In Manchester Free Library.] Compare Report of the Proceedings at the Conference of Delegates of the Middle and Working Classes at Birmingham, April 5, 1842, etc.
Carlyle (Thomas). Chartism (1839). Past and Present (1843).
Cartwright (Miss F. D.). The Life and Correspondence of Major Cartwright. 2 vols. London, 1826.
Clarke (W.). The Clarke Papers, 1647–49, 1651–60, edited by C. H. Firth. 3 vols. Published by the Camden Society, now included in the Camden Series of the Royal Historical Society. London, 1891, 1894, and 1899.
Cobbett (William). Cobbett's Legacy to Labourers. In Six Letters. London, 1834.
Colquhoun (Patrick). A Treatise on the Population, Wealth, Power, and Resources of the British Empire. 1814.
Cooper (Thomas.) Life of Thomas Cooper. London, 1872.
——— The Purgatory of Suicides. London, 1845.
Davies (David P.). Life and Labours of Ernest Jones. Liverpool, 1897.
Dictionary of National Biography. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. London, 1885–1912.
Dierlamm (Gotthilf). "Die Flugschriftenliteratur der Chartistenbewegung und sein Wiederhall in der öffentlichen Meinung," in Münchener Beiträge zur romanischen und englischen Philoligie, Leipzig, 1909.
Disraeli (Benjamin). Sybil (1845).
Dolléans, (E.). Le Chartisme, 1830–48. 2 vols. Paris, 1912–13.
——— "La Naissance de Chartisme, 1830–37," in Revue d'histoire des doctrines économigues et sociales. No. 4. Paris, 1909.
Engels (Friedrich). Die Lage der arbeitenden Klassen in England (1845). Translated by F. K. Wischnewetzky as The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844. 1892.
Faulkner (Harold U.). "Chartism and the Churches," Columbia University Studies in History, etc. lxxiii. No. 3. New York, 1916. (With good bibliography.)