(i.) At the British Museum
The Place Collection. (British Museum, kept at the Hendon Repository.)
Set 56, Reform, 1836–47. 29 vols. Set 66, The Charter and Chartists, January 1839–March 1840. 1 vol.
[Mainly newspaper cuttings, but containing much manuscript material, and substantially continuous with the collections at Bloomsbury.]
The Place Manuscripts. (British Museum.) Collections on Working Men's Associations, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Additional MSS. 27,819-27,822, 27,835. Narratives of Political Events in England, 1830–35. Additional MSS. 27,789-27,797.
Correspondence and Papers of the General Convention of the Industrious Classes, 1839. 2 vols. Additional MSS. 34,245, A and B.
London Working Men's Association Minutes. 2 vols. Additional MSS. 37,773 and 37,776.
(ii.) At the Public Record Office
Home Office Papers, 1839–40.
(iii.) At the Manchester Free Reference Library
Ernest Jones's Manuscript Diaries, Notebooks, and Account Books.
The Annual Register. 1838–49.
Ashworth (T. E.). The Plug Plot at Todmorden.
Bamford (Samuel). Passages in the Life of a Radical. 2 vols. London, 1893. [First published in parts at Heywood, Lancs, 1839–1842.]