S: the letter worn by "My lady Duchess" upon her brow, i6 ; the Unico Aretino's sonnet concerning, I7» 335-6 Sabine women and their Roman husbands, the story of the, xgS-g Sables, story of the merchant of Lucca and his, 132-3 Sade, Hughes de, 405 Sadoleto> Giacomo, 139, 331, 369 Giovanni, 369 Saguntine women, bravery of, 2oz, 393 St. Ambrose, Jacques Colin, Abbot of, 315 St. Angelo, the Castle of, 367 St. Celsus, 383 St. Elmo, 147, 376 St. Erasmus, 376 St. Francis, 308, 416 St. George: the English order of (the Garter), 173, 387; mentioned, 404 St. Gregory, 393 St. Jerome, 1S8 St. Jerome's Epistle on Widowhood, 388 St. Louis, 395 St. Mary Magdalen, 308 St. Michael, the French order of, 173, 387 St. Nazarius, 383 St. Paul, 129, 308, 363 St. Peter and St. Paul, story about a picture in which Raphael had represented, 149, 377-8 St, Peter's, the Church of: story of the prelate who stooped on entering, 144; the rebuilding of, 274, 410 St. Sebastian, the basilica of, 404 St. Stephen, 308 Salerno, the Archbishop of, — see Fregoso, Federico Salian priests, 44, 339 Sallaza dalla Pedrada, X40, 370 Sallust, 346 Saluzzo, Rizzarda di, 363 Salvadori, Giulio, 421 Samber, Robert, 421 San Bonifacio, Count Ludovico da, 139, 369 San Celso, 159 San Gallo Gate at Florence, 145 San Giacomo, the Church of, at Padua, 384 San Giorgio, Giovanni Antonio, "the Alexandrian Car- dinal," — see Alexandrian San Leo, story of Duke Guidobaldo and the castellan who had surrendered, 147, 376-7 San Magno, Masella di, 358 Sannazaro, Giacopo, X13, 358-9 Giacopo Niccolo, 358 San Pietro ad Vincula, the Cardinal of, — see Rovere, Galeotto della San Sebastiano, story of an outrage committed near the Church of, 215-6 Sansecondo, Giacomo, 123, 361 Sanseverino, Gafeazzo, 34, 337-8 Roberto, 337 San Silvestro, picture painted by Raphael for the Church of, 378 Sansoni, G. C, 421, 422 Santacroce, Alfonso, 146, 375 Santa Maria in Portico, the Cardinal of,— see Bibbiena Santi, Giovanni, 342, 376 RafTaello, — see Raphael Sanzio, RafTaello, — see Raphael Sappho, 197, 391 Sardanapalus, 206, 40Z Savona, 216, 404 Savonarola, 328, 363 Savoy, Charlotte of, 395 Filiberta of, 320, 346 Filiberto, Duke of, 396 Louise of, 346 Scarmiglione da Foglino, 377 437 Schaeffer, Carl, 421 Schultz, a printer, 421 Scipio Africanus Maximus, 207, 347, 377, 401, 402, 408 Scipio Africanus the Younger, 51, 58, 106, 146, 190, 205, 210, 250, 340, 344, 358, 408 Scipio Nasica, Publius Cornelius, 148, 377 Sciron, 275, 411 " Scissors," 192 Scoto, Girolamo, 420 Scott, Mary Augusta, 316, 332 Sculpture and painting, the comparative merits of, 66-8, 349-50 Scythia, 285 Scythians : a custom among the, 266 ; mentioned, 414 Sebastian, St., the basilica of, 404 Sebastiano, a brother of Fra Serafino, 335 Self-confidence requisite in the courtier, 28 Self-depreciation, to be avoided, 117 Self-praise discussed, 25-7 Self-seclusion of princes, 249 Selim I of Turkey, 372, 388 Semiramis, 205, 401 Seneca's Hippolytus, 367 Sera, Francesca del, 343 Neri del, 343 Serafino, Fra,— see Fra Serafino master, 150 Serafino Ciminelli d'Aquila, 142, 352, 373 Serassi, Pierantonio, 421 Seres, William, 420 Sertenas, Vincent, 419 Seven Sages of Greece, the, 408 Sforza, Anna, first wife,of Alfonso d'Este, 399 Battista, Duchess of Urbino, 317, 326, 394 Bianca, 337 Bianca Maria, 396 Caterina, 336-7 Francesco, Duke of Milan, 326, 341, 355, 381, 394, 397, 398 Francesco Maria, 399 Galeazzo Maria, Duke of Milan, 337, 381 Giangaleazzo, Duke of Milan, 381, 398 Ippolita Maria, Queen of Naples, 327, 397, 39B Ludovico il Moro, Duke of Milan, 153, 313, 327, 332, 336, 337, 341, 37i» 373, 381, 395, 396, 398, 399, 409 Maximilian, 399 Muzio Attendolo, 381 Shakspere, 403 Sibyls, the, 197, 390 Sicily, 195 Sidney, Sir Philip, his "Arcadia," 359 Siena: retort made to a townsman of, 136 ; story about the Emperor and, 143 ; the Cardinal of, 351 Silius Italicus, Caius, 52, 53, 346 Silva, Diego de, Count of Portal egre, 317 Miguel de. Bishop of Viseu, i, 317 Silvestri, Giovanni, 421 Simbeni, 420 Similes and metaphors in pleasantry, X42 Simone, a character in Boccaccio, 161 Simoni, Ludovico Buonarroti, 343 Simpleton, retort made by Lorenzo de' Medici to a, 145 Sinning against light, 255-6 8i non caste, tatnen caute, 189, 388 Sinoris, 194, 195 Sismondi, 328 Sixtus IV, 318, 326, 328, 359, 396, 404 Slater, H., 421 Slavonia, jest about a comedy so elaborate as to need for its setting all the w^ood in, 152 Social inferiors, consorting with, 85-6 Socrates, 56, 57, 63, 78, 90, 181, 308, 344, 348, 356, 391, 402, 408 Solomon, 220, 405