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Plutarch's " Apothegms and Famous Sayings of Spartan Women," 393 " Concerning Women's Virtue," 390, 392-3 " How to Tell Friend from Flatterer,*' 348

  • ' Life of Alexander the Great," 401

" Life of Camillus," 392 "Life of LucuUus," 389 " On Garrulity," 390

  • ' On the Ignorant Prince," 409

Podesta, explanation of the word, 360 Poetry, the courtier to be versed in, 59 Poisoned cannon shot, story about, 130 Poland, the King of, 132 Poliphilian words, 235 Politian,— see Poliziano Poliziano, 51, 320, 327, 344-5 Pollux, 404 Pompey (Pompeius), Cneius, 58, 346, 347, 378 Sextus, 192, X93 Pontormo, 358 Pontremolo, Gianluca da,— see Gianluca Pont us, 264 Ponzio, Caio Caloria, 161-2, 383 Popes, play upon the names of two, 126-7 Porcaro, Antonio, 138, 367, 370 Camillo, 140, 141, 367, 370 Valerio, 367 Porcia, 190, 389 Porta, Domenico dalla, 151 Portalegre, Diego de Silva, Count of, 317 Porto, 274, 410 Portugal, Eleanora of, 396 Elizabeth of, 387 Emanuel I of, 133, 364 John III of, 317 Portuguese mariners, discoveries by the, 133 Porzio,— see Porcaro Poseidon, 349* 4^^ Potenza, the Bishop of, (Giacopo di Nino di Ameria), 135, 365 Pozzuoli, 274, 410 Practical jokes, instances of, 155-62 Practice vs. precept, 267-8 Praise, to be modestly disclaimed, 60 Prato, 131. 363 Praxiteles's " Hermes," 387 Precept vs. practice, 267-8 Prefect of Rome,— see Rovere, Francesco Maria della Pres, Josquin de, 113, 359 Present, declared to be superior to the past, 79 PriTnerOf or pv^miera, a game of cards, 382 Princes: courtiers' intercourse with, 93-101; courtiers not to intrude upon the privacy of, 95; to deserve their favour is the best way of gaining it, 96 ; a pic- ture of the perfect prince, 261-72; evils endured by tyrannical princes, 263-4 Frocella^ fury or storm, 94, 357 Procrustes, 275, 411 Prometheus, 252, 408 Proto da Lucca, 137, 366 Protogenes, 37, 6g, 338 Proven9al: Boccaccio's use of, 4; fallen into decay in the author's time, 49 Provence, Renfe of, 375, 395 Provincial flavour, not necessarily a blemish in literary style, 47 Ptolemy, 389 Publius Licinius Crassus Mucianus, xoi-2, 358 Pulci, Luigi, 365 Puns, instances of, 126-7, ^^34-5) ^37-9 Purifying influence of love, 219 Purism of speech deprecated, 52 Pygmalion, 175, 388 Pylades, 106, 358 Pyramids of Egypt said to have been built in order to keep the Egyptians busy, 367 Pythagoras, go, 171, 357 Pythagoreans, the, 356 Quack, story of the peasant who had lost an eye and consulted a, 150 Qualities of the courtier, how to be employed, 81 et seq. Rabani, Vettor de', 419 Racine, 367 Raibolini, Francesco, better known as Francia, 332 Raleigh, Professor Walter, 316, 422 Rampazzetto, Francesco, 420 Rangone, Count Ercole, 139, 369 Raphael, 2, 50, 66, 67, 149, 313, 33^, 333, 343-3. 378, 410, 411, 415 Ravenna, the battle of, 378, 379 Recitative, 89 Regio, Raffaele, 367 Reinhardstottner's article on the German translations of THE COURTIER, 417 Remondini, 421 Remus, 378 Rene of Provence, 375, 395 Renier, Rodolfo, 373, 399 Reputation : a courtier to be preceded by his, no ; the influence of, ii2 Rhodes, Gg Riario, Cardinal, 383 Richard III of England, 413 Richmond, Edmund Tudor, Earl of, 412 Rigutini, Giuseppe, 327, 422 Rinaldo, a character of mediaeval romance, 365 Ritius, Johannes, 420,421 Rivadeneyra, Manuel, 421 Rivera, Donna Costanza de, 377 Don Luis de, 377 Rizzo, Antonio, 151, 378 Roberto da Bari, 12, 36, 127, 128, 225, 226, 228, 244, 332-3 RoegarsBf a dance performed after the first evening's discussion, 73, 352-3 Roma, a Trojan woman, 198 Roman Academy, the, 369, 370 Romano, Giancristoforo, — see Giancristoforo Romano Giulio Pippi, 314, 414 Paolo, 333 Romano Giovenale, Ettore, 71, 351-2 Rome, 12, 68, 86, no, 122, 126, X36, 139, 141, 146, 153, 159, 197, 198, 199, 20X, 2x6, 249, 274 Romulus, X98, igg, 378, 392 Rose-colour, Cosimo de' Medici's advice to a silly am- bassador to w^ear, 151 Rossi, U., 404 Vittorio, his article on Caio Caloria Ponzio, 383 Itota (or Ituota) della Giustizia, a law court, xsx, 379 Rovere, Caterina della, **a brave lady," 26 Felice della, 216, 404 Francesco Maria della, " My lord Prefect," and after- wards Duke of Urbino, i, 70, 71, 80, 119, 120, 121, 138, 152, 244, 309, 314, 318-9, 328, 33a, 351, 352, 367. 368, 375, 380, 404, 407 Galeotto della. Cardinal of San Pietro ad Vincula, 122, 159, 361, 371, 383 Giovanni della, 3x8, 328 Giuliano della,— see Julius 11 Luchina della, 3GX Lucrezia Gara della, 37X Raffaele della, 328 Rovillio, Gulielmo, 335, 420 Roxana of Bactria, 4x4 Roxana of Pontus, 389 Rules of conduct propounded by Federico Fregoso, 83 Ruskin, John, 35X 436

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