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Ovid's Ars Amandi, 351, 366, 404, 405 Oyselet, Georges 1', 42a Padovano, Giovanni, 419 Padua, 116, 136, 161 the (Arcli-) Bishop of, 136, 366 Paduan flavour in Livy's style, 47 Paeonius*s *' Victory," 387 Paganino, Alessandro, 419 Paglia, story of the practical joke played in the inn at, 157-9 Painting: affectation in, 37 ; variety of, 50 ; the courtier to be proficient in, 65 ; praise of, 65-70 ; discussion as to the comparative merits of painting and sculpture, 67-8, 349-50 Paleologus, Margarita, Duchess of Mantua, 414 Paleotto, Annibal, 134, 135, 364, 367 Camillo, 138, 147, 367 Vincenzo, 364 Pallas, 197, 356 Pallavicino, Count Gaspar, 12, 13, 14, 23, 27, 30, 41, 63, 64, 85, 88, 100, 104, 105, 107, 108, 112, 118, 129, 142, 143, 144, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 173, 173-4, 175, 178, x8l-2, 185, 186, xgo, 193, X94, X97, xgg, 201, 202, 203, 206, 207, 209-xo, 2x3, 2x8, 22X, 223, 226, 231, 237, 238-40, 243, 245< 25i> 2S4> ^59> '^'> ^^4' ^^7> ^^' ^^> '7^> '^S, 286, 287, 496, 307, 308, 33», 4031 407 Palma Vecchio, 343 Panaetius, 250, 408 Pandora, 408 Paolo, a dutiful son, 196 Paolo Romano, 333 Paredes, Diego Garcia de, 371 Parentucelli, Tommaso,— see Nicholas V Paris, the "noble school" of, (the Sorbonne), 57, 346-7 Paris and the three goddesses, X72, 387 Parmesan, the battle fought in the, i.e., the battle of Fornovo, 1x7, 360 Passano, Giambattista, (I Novellieri Italia/ni), 417 Passavant, 342 Passions, to be tempered, not extirpated, 257-8 Past, declared to be inferior to the present, 79 Paul, St., X29, 308, 363 Paul III, 317. 369 PauUus, Simon, 42X Paulus, Lucius ^milius, 69, 351 Pausanias, 390 Pavia, the battle of, 376, 387 the Bishop of,— see Pavia, the Cardinal of the Cardinal of, (Francesco Alidosi), 146, X51, 3x4, 319, 368, 375 Payne, Olive, 42X Pazzi, Giaiiotto de', X5X, 378 Giovanni de', 378 Rafaello de', X50-1, 378 Peace, the arts of war no more glorious than those of, 265-6 Pedrada, Sallaza dalla, 140, 370 Pelagio, Guido del, 374 Peleus, 284, 387, 4x4 Penalties for crime, preventive rather than punitive, 253 Pepoli, the Count of, 139, 369 Peralta, Captain Luijse Calliego de, X52, 379 Pergamus, 358 Periander of Corinth, 408 Pericles, 208, 39X, 402, 403 . ,. . Persecutions endured by girls at their lovers' hands, 2x6-8 Perseus, King of Macedon, 351, 39* Persia : Alexander the Great's conquest of, 103 ; the King of (in the time of Themistocles) , 275 ; the Sophi King of, — see Ismail Sufi I Persians defeated in battle, story of their wives' rebuke, 20X 435 Personal attention, princes' need to attend personally to the execution of their commands, 265 Personal service, the perfect courtier not busied with, 174 Perugia, two cousins who fought at, 30 Perugino, 342 Pescara, the Marchioness of,— see Colonna, Vittoria the Marquess of, 3x9, 322 "Peter Piper," 365 Petrarch, 41, 42, 44, 49, 50, 5x, 52, 220, 323, 339, 345, 348, 383, 404, 405 Petrarch's THonfo WAmorey 340 rhcedra, a character in Seneca's Hippolytus, 367 Plibd/pe^ a tragedy by Racine, 367 Philip of Austria, 4x3 Philip of Burgundy, 387 Philip of Macedon, 34, 143, 374, 4x4 Philip V of Macedon, 200, 392 Phoenix, 284, 4x4 Phrigio, — see Frisio Phrisio, — see Frisio Phryne, 402 Physiognomists, who read a man's character and thoughts in his face, 294 Pia, Alda, 394 Emilia, xx, X3, X4, x6, 17, x8, 19, 20, 32, 53, 54, 66, 72, 93, xxg, X22, X23, 130, 13X, 136, X44, X67-8, X69-70, 186, X89, X90, xgx, 200, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 24X, 269, 273, 28x, 288, 307, 308, 309, 322, 329, 332, 334, 352, 36X, 403, 4x4 Pianella, Count, (Giacomo d'Atri), X42, 373-4 Piazza d'Agone at Rome, 249, 407 Piccinino, Niccolb, 77, 355-6 Piccolomini, /Bneas Silvius,— see Pius II Pierpaolo, 36 Pietro Antonio da Vinci (Leonardo's father), 341 Pietro da Napoli, X2, 62, 93 Piety towards God, princes' need of, 270 Pindar, X97, 39X Pinturicchio, 351 Pio, Alberto, 329, 332, 394 Alda, — see Pia Emilia, — see Pia Giberto, 329 Leonello, 332 Ludovico, X2, 62, 99, XX4, 332, 395 Marco, 329 Pio family, eulogy of the women of the, 202 Piombo, Sebastiano del,— see Luciani Pippi, Giulio, called Romano, 314 Pirithous, xo6, 358 Pisa : story of a soldier wounded at, 27 ; story of a mer- chant of, rescued from Barbary pirates, 195-7 Pisan war, story about Florentine methods of raising funds for, X30-X Pisan women, bravery of, 205 Pistoia, X3X, 363 Pistoia (Antonio Cammelli), X42, 373 Pittacus of Mitylene, 408 Pius II (iEneas Silvius Piccolomini), 36X Pius III (Francesco Todeschini), 126, 36X Plato, 5, 63, 78, x8x, S69, 284, 285, 286, 308, 3x3, 345, 364, 370. 39i> 409, 415 Plato's " Laws," 388 JPhcedo, 356 "Republic," 269, 279, 324, 388, 409 " Symposium," 39X Plautus, 44, 340, 363 Plautus's Menieehmi, 32X Trinummus, 336 Pleasantries: beginning of the discussion on, 120; classified, X26 ; cruelty to be avoided in, 135-6 Pliny, 349. 351. 391 Plotinus, 308, 416 Plutarch, 356, 364, 389, 39X, 393, 408, 4XX, 4x2, 4x4

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