Minutoli, Riciardo, a character in Boccaccio, 164, 165, i56 Miser : retort of a spendthrift to a, 139 ; story of a ser- vant who had saved the life of his miserly master, 144-5 Mithridates VI, Eupator, King of Pontus, 191, 389 Mixed government, 261, 269-70 Moderate fortunes, less power possessed by the very rich than by men of, 271 Moderation, the essence of virtue, 277-8 Modesty requisite in the courtier, 26 Molart, Captain, 152, 379 Monarchy vs. democracy, 259-61 Monima of Pontus, 389 Monkey, story of chess played by a, 133-4 Monpezat, Pedro, 419 Montaigne : quotation from his JEssais, 347 ; the village of Paglia mentioned in his diary, 382 Monte, Pietro, 12, 34, 92, 174, 333-4 Pietro dal, 334 Montechiarugolo, Count Guido Torello di, 314 Montefeltro, Agnese di, 319 Antonio di, 329 Aura di, 376 Battista di, 394 Brigida Sueva di, 394 Count of, (in 1154) » 325 Federico di, Duke of Urbino, g, 129, 156, 265, 274, 317, 325-6, 327, 356, 362, 376, 381, 410 Gentile di, 322 Giovanna di, 318 Guidantonio di, Duke of Urbino, 325 Guidobaldo di, Duke of Urbino, i, g-ii, 80, 129, 138, 147, 152. 313. 317-8, 319. 321, 322, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 342, 343, 344, 352, 376, 377, 387, 394, 404» 4io Oddantonio di, Count of Urbino, 325 Violante di, 394 origin of the name, 325 Montefeltro family, eulogy of the ^vomen of the, 202, 394 Montefiore Inn, synonymous expression for a bad inn, 155, 382 Montone, Braccio da, 355 Moors : story of a Pisan merchant captured and rescued from the, 195-7; to be conquered for their souls' good, 275 Morello, Sigismondo, da Ortona, 12, 46, 83, 90, 91, 92, 292, 293, 294, 296, 299, 332 Moresca, mime, morris-dance, 15, 81, 87, 335 Morgante Maggiore^ a poem by Luigi Pulci, 365 Morosina, 331 Morris-dance, — see Moresea Mosca, Giambattista Vendramini, 421 Moses, 305 Mount Athos, 274, 411 Mount Catria, 309, 416 Mount C£ta, 305, 4x5 Moya, the Marchioness of, — see Boadilla Munchausen, 364 Muscovy, the Duke of, 132 Music: affectation in, 37; the variety of, 50; the cour- tier to have skill in, 62 ; praise of, 62-5 ; to be re- garded by the courtier as a pastime, 88 ; certain kinds recommended, 88-9; certain kinds to be avoided, 89 ; musical performance forbidden to the aged, 89-90; musical training essential to apprecia- tion of, 90 '* My lady Duchess,"— see Gonzaga, Elisabetta '* My lady Emilia," — see Pia "My lord Cardinal," i.e., Giovanni de' Medici,— see LeoX "My lord Duke," — see Montefeltro, Guidobaldo di
- ' My lord Gaspar," — see Pallavicino
- ' My lord Magnifico,"— see Medici, Giuliano de'
" My lord Prefect," — see Rovere, Francesco Maria della Myrtis, 391 Naples, I, no, 374 Napoli, Pietro da,— see Pietro da Napoli Narni, Galeotto Marzi da,— see Galeotto Marzi da Narni Nasica,— see Scipio Nasica National Library at Madrid, 417 National Library at Paris, 417 Navarre, the King of, 377 Navarre and Aragon, Juan II of, 397 Navd, Curzio, 419, 421 Nazarius, St., 383 Nemours, the Duke of, — see Medici, Giuliano de' Neologisms, the allowable use of, 47 Nero, the Emperor, 192, 388 New York Public Library, 417 Nicholas V (Tommaso Parentucelli), 127, 362 Nicoletto (Paolo Niccolb Vernia), 116, 359 Nicoletto, da Orvieto, 142, 373 Nicostrate, 197, 391 Nino di Ameria, Giacopo di. Bishop of Potenza, 135, 365 Ninus, the husband of Semiramis, 401 Nonchalance : the true source of grace, 35, 38 ; explana- tion of the Italian word rendered by, 338 '* Not at home," story of Scipio and Ennius who pre- tended to be, 148 Novara, 337 Novelle of Boccaccio, 161 Noves, Audibert de, 405 Laure de, 405 Novillara, Count of, — see Castiglione, Baldesar Noyse, Johann Engelbert, 316, 421 Nucio (or Nutio), Martin, 4x9 Philippo, 420, 421 the widow of Martin, 420 Nudity, story of lady who dreaded the Judgment Day because of her, 132 Nutio, — see Nucio Nutt, David, 422 Obedience,: a duty only when the command is righteous, gg-xoo; the peril of even slight deviation from the letter of one's orders, 100-2 Obscenity, to be avoided, 143 Ockenheim, 359 Octavia, X90, 388 Odasio of Padua, 329 Odenathus, King of Palmyra, 401 CEta, Mount, 305, 4x5 Oglio, story of the peasant girl who drowned herself in the, 214-5 Old age: its tendency to laud the past and to decry the present, 75-9 ; affectations of, go ; characteristics pe- culiar to, 91 Old fashions, instances of, in manners and attire, 79 Olschki, Leo, 417 Olympia, 387 Olympian Jove, 171 Olympic games, 171 Oratory : affectation in, 35 ; the variety of, 50-1 ; the cour- tier to be versed in, 59 Orestes, 106, 358 Oriental courts, manners of, 173 Orlando, a character of mediaeval romance, 365 Orleans, Duke Charles d', 371 Orleans, the Duke of, — see Louis XII Orpheus, 167, 184, 349, 384, 388 Orsini, Clarice, 320, 380 Giangiordano, 404 Ortona, Morello da, — see Morello Orvieto, Nicoletto da, 142, 373 Oscan language, 49, 340 Othman, Djem, — see Djem Othman Our Lady of Loreto, X58, 382 Ovid, 237, 315, 390 434