Lorraine, Beatiice of, 394 Louis, St., 395 Louis IX of France, 395 Louis XI of France, 387, 395 Louis XII of France, 141, joa, 313, 318, 330, 33a, 337, 341, 346, 359. 371. 376, 381, 395. 396, 400, 409 Louise of Savoy, 346 Love; the course to be pursued by women (married and unmarried) in love, 233-40; how men are to win women's love, 239-30; how men are to declare their love, 33X-3; openness in love, 233-4; how love is retained, 234-6; rivalry in love, 334-6; secrecy in love, 237-40 ; whether love be seemly in an old cour- tier, 386-7 ; beginning of Bembo'a discourse on Pla- tonic love, 388; love defined as "a certain desire to enjoy beauty," 388; defects of carnal love, 390 ; ma- turity less prone to carnal love, than youth, 391 ; true love of beauty is beneficent, 391; sensual love in a measure excusable in the young, 393 ; sensual love not excusable in those of mature years, 292, 297 ; spir- itual love, 304-5; Bembo*s invocation to divine love, 305-7; instances in which the mysteries of divine love have been revealed to women, 308 Love talk, the course to be pursued by women in, 221-3 Loyalty requisite in the courtier, 25 Loyson, Estienne, 421 Lucca, Proto da, — see Proto da Lucca Lucca, story of the sables and the merchant of, 133-3 Lucian, 357 Luciani, Sebastiano, "del Piombo," 335 Luciano of Laurana, architect of the Palace of Urbino,4io LucuUus, Lucius Licinius, 58, 205, 250, 347, 408 Luther, 313, 330, 333 Luzio, Alessandro, 399 Luzio and Renier's Mantova e Wrhino, 410 Lycurgus, 64, 349 Lyons, a practical joke played by Bibbiena on the bridge at, 160-1 Lysias, 51, 344 Lysis the Pythagorean, 350, 408 Machiavelli, Niccold, 316, 338, 385, 409 Machiavelli's " Art of War," 376 JHacoTSi, 356 Prineipei 3^7, 377 Storia Fiorentina, 378 Maffei, Mario de", da Volterra,— see Mario de' Maffei Maggi, Graziosa, 332 Magnificence, a duty of princes, 373-4 Mahaffy,J. P., 359 Mahomet, 37s Mahomet II of Turkey, 371, 37* Mamurius Veturius, 339 Man, the laughing animal, 123 Manetti, Latino Giovenale de',— see Latino Giovenale Manlius Torquatus, Titus, 100, 357 Manner and time of employing the courtier's accom- plishments, 81 et seq. Manners, excessive freedom of, to be avoided, 114 Manrique, Don Garci Fernandez, 384 Mantegna, Andrea, 50, 341-2. 360, 372, 395, 409 a son of Andrea, 39s Mantua, the Bishop of,— see Gonzaga, Ludovico the Marquesses of,— see Gonzaga Manucci, Teobaldo,— see Aldus Manutius, Aldus,— see Aldus Xarano, a heretic, a renegade Moor, 139, 369 Marcantonio, Master, 152, 380 Marcella, Elena, 330 MarccUo, Silvestro, 319 Marciana Library at Venice, 417 Marcus Antonius, (the orator), 44, 51, 339 Margarita of Austria, 203, 395-6 433 Margarita of Bavaria, Marchioness of Mantua, 323, 373, 374. 409 Mariano Fetti, Fra, — see Fra Mariano Fetti Mario de' Maffei da Volterra, 144, 374 Marius, Caius, 301, 393 Mark Antony, 190, 347, 388 Markets, the New and Old, at Florence, 145 Marliani's Life of Castiglione, 430,431 Marriage, the right time for, 268-9 Mars Gradivus, 339 Martin V, 319, 335 Mary of Burgundy, 395, 396, 413 Mary Magdalen, St., 308 Mary Tudor, wife of Louis XII of France, 371 Marzi, Galeotto, da Narni,— see Galeotto Masks and fancy dress, 87-^ Mass, jest about speed in saying, 153-3 Mass-book, story of the, 137-8 Massilia, custom of providing means of self-destruction at, 192, 390 Massimo, Roberto, da Bari,— see Roberto da Bari Massot, Estienne, 431 Master Serafino, 150 Matilda, the Countess, 203, 393-4 Matthias Corvinus of Hungary, 304, 336, 365, 397-8, 399 Mausolus, King of Caria, 401 Maximilian I, Emperor of Germany, 143, 202, 359, 367, 371. 387, 395. 396, 397. 400, 413 Mayer, Johann, 421 Mazzoleni, 421 Mazzuchelli, Count Giammaria, Life of Castiglione, 417 Medici, Caterina de', 346 Cosimo de'. Pater Patrite, 140, 151, 345, 362, 370, 376, 378, 381 Giovanni de', (Cosimo's father), 370 Giovanni de', ** delle Ba/nde NerCf" 337 Giovanni de', " My lord Cardinal,"— see Leo X Giuliano de', (brother of Lorenzo the Magnificent), 345. 378 Giuliano de', " My lord Magnifico," 2, 12, 37, 42, 56, 64, 71, 89-90, 103, 132, 143, 144. 168, 169, 170, 172, 174-338, 344, 255, 276, 280, 281, 308, 330-1, 331, 339, 341, 34a. 343. 346, 349. 380, 390, 407, 414 eiulio de',— see Clement VII Grasso de', 62, 348 Ippolito de', 320, 329 Lorenzo de', Duke of Urbino, 319, 321, 330, 352 Lorenzo de', the Magnificent, 51, 145, 320, 331, 335, 343, 345, 359, 378. 380 Pietro de', 345 Meliolo, Bartolommeo, 384 Ludovico, 163, 384 Men and women, beginning of the discussion on the comparative excellence of, 182 Menerola, Teodora, 328 Mercury, 252 Merula, Giorgio, 313 Messina, the Prior of, (Don Pedro de Cufla), 150-1, 378 Metastasio, P., 431 Metrodorus, 69, 351 Micard, CI., 430 Michael, apparently a tutor to Castiglione's son, 347 Michelangelo Buonarroti, 2, 50, 67, 313, 320, 321, 328, 339, 343. 350, 410 Michelet on Louis XII of France, 371 Milan, 153 the Dukes of, — see Sforza and Visconti Miletus, the Bishop of,— see Pavia, the Cardinal of Milles, Guillermo de, 419 Miltiades, 408 Mime,— see Moreaea Mimicry, the limits to be observed in, 127-8 Minerva, 89, 252 Miniana Compagnia, la, 421