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Hunyadi, J&nos, of Hungary, 397 Husbands and wives, ill treatment between, 193 BypnerotomtieJi/ia FoU/jph^lif 405 lapetus, 408 Icarus, 342 Ignorance : as to confessing, 116-7 ; one of the gravest faults of princes, 247; the root of evil, 254-6 Iliad, the, kept by Alexander the Great at his bedside, 57 Imitation, in literary style: 41; more necessary for the moderns than for the ancients, 49 Imprese (devices), 12, 330 Improbabilities, to be avoided in conversation, 119 Incongruity, the source of laughter, 124 Incontinence in men, no more excusable than unchastity in women, 206 India, 285 Inghirami, Paolo, 367 Tommaso, ('*Fedra"), 138, 367, 375 Innocent VIII, 341, 371, 372 Innuendo, instances of witty, 145-7 Innys, William, 421 Ippolito d'Este, — see Este Isabella del Balzo, Queen of Naples, 205, 397, 399-400 Isabella the Catholic: referred to as "the queen," 150; mentioned, 156, 202-4, 219, 377» 378, 384, 396-7, 412, 413 Isaia di Pippo of Pisa, 333 Ischia, the island of, 319 Ismail Sufi I of Persia, 173, 387-8 Isocrates, 51, 344, 409 Isola Ferma, 222, 405 Italian language, derived from the Latin, 43 Italians: martial exercises in which they excelled, 30; military decadence of, 58-9, 347 ; lamentable lack of any style of dress peculiar to, 103 ; become a prey to other nations, 103, 347 Italy, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 40, 43, 44, 46, 103, 114, 171, 198, 202, 274, 347 James I of England, 4x3 James IV of Scotland, 413 Janus, 407 Japan, THE COURTIER said to have been carried to, 324 J. C. L. L. J., an anonymous German translator of THE COURTIER, 316, 421 Jem, — see Djem Jena University Library, 417 Jerome, St., — see St. Jerome Jobinus, Bernhardus, 420, 421 Johannes Hyrcanus, King of the Jews, 389 John III of Portugal, 317 John, King of Hungary, 397 Joly, Aristide, {De Balthassaris CasHllionis opere, etc.), 417 Jousting, deemed by Djem too serious for sport, 141 Jove, 184, 252, 388 Jovinianus, St. Jerome's first tract against, 388 Juan, Infant of Castile, 396 Juan II of Castile, 396 Juan 11 of Navarre and Aragon, 397 Judgment Day, story of lady who dreaded to. appear nude on the, 132 Julius II (Giuliano della Rovere), 10, 12-3, 137, 138, 151, 153. 374, 313, 314, 318, 319, 321, 325, 328-g, 330, 332, 334' 335, 336, 342, 343, 361, 365. 366, 371, 372, 375, 377, 378, 380, 382, 383, 400, 404, 410, 413 Juno, igg Jupiter Feretrius, 325 Juste, Fran9oys, 419 Justice, the good prince's first care, 270 Justinian, the Emperor, 393 "King Louis,"— see Louis XII

  • ' King of France, The," a phrase signifying the acme of

royal power, 272 Kiss, the origin and meaning of the, 300-1 Knowledge, the essential prerequisite of literary style, 45 Kratzer, Lorenz, 316, 420 Lacedemonians, cultivators of music, 64 Ladislas II of Bohemia, 397 Lady at church and the beggar, story of the, 135 Laslius, Caius (Sapiens), 51, 106, 344, 358 Lais, 402 Landi, Agostino, 334 Caterina, 334 Count Marcantonio, 334 Landriano, Gerardo, Bishop of Como, 366 Language, in ^vhat consists the excellence of, 53 Languages, the courtier ought to know many, 1x5 Laocoon, the, 349 Lapi, Checca, 384 Lascaris, Constantine, 330, 397 Lasso, Pedro, 420 Latin : the source of Italian, 43; the courtier to be con- versant with, 59; Castiglione prefers that his son should devote more attention to Greek than to, 347 Latinistic forms of several Italian words advocated, 48, 54, 340 Latino Giovenale de' Manetti, 151, 379 Latrin tongue, 136 Lattanzio da Bergamo, 376 Laughter: peculiar to man, 133 ; incongruity affirmed to be its source, 124 Laura, 220, 404-5 Laure de Noves, 405 Lavinello, 4x5 Lavinello's Hermit, a character in Bembo's Gli Aso- lani, 288, 415 Law, princes' need to show respect for, 27X Lesna, 192, 390 Leaping, an accomplishment proper for the courtier, 31 Leghorn, 196 Lei, Bernardino, Bishop of Cagli, 366 Lemonnier, Felice, 431 Lenzuoli, Giuffredo (or Alfonso), 328 Roderigo, — see Alexander VI Leo X ("My lord Cardinal"), 152, 3x3, 314,317, 3x9, 320, 32X, 322, 329, 331, 332, 333, 335, 336, 337, 34°, 34^, 342, 345, 352,361, 362, 364, 365, 368, 369, 370, 373, 374, 380-1, 382, 411, 413 Leonardo da Vinci, 50, 336, 337, 341, 346, 350; 366, 381 his Codex AtlanticuSf 360 his " Treatise on Painting," 350 Leonico Tomeo, Niccolb, 145, 374 Letters : the true ornament of the mind, 56 ; disprized by the French at the beginning of the x6th century, 56; but esteemed by the youthful Francis (I), 56-7; and by captains of ancient times, 57-8; the true con- servator of glory, 58 ; letters vs. arms, discussed, 60-2 Leuconia, 200, 393 Liberty, 259-61 Library of the Palace of Urbino, 9, 331 Library of the Spanish Academy at Madrid, 4x7 Libreria Salesiana, 421 Literary piracy: hasty publication of THE COURTIER arose from dread of, i ; frequency of, 320 Literary style, discussion of, 3-5, 38-54 Literary usage: how determined, 48; subject to change 4S-9 Livy (Titus Livius), 47, 326, 340, 358, 375, 391 Lombard, the author admits writing as a, 5 Lombards : addicted to the use of foreign words, 38 ; fond of fantastic dress, X04 Lombardy : X04 ; eulogy of noble ladies of, 204 Longinus, the lance of, 372 Longis, Jean, 4x9 Lor — , Jean, 419 Loreto, Our Lady of, 158, 383 432

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