Garzla, Diego, 141, 371 Garzoni's L'Hospidale de Paszt IneurahiU, 373 Caspar, my lord,— see Pallavicino Gaultier, Pierre, 420 Gazuolo, story of a peasant girl of, 214 General repute, illustrations of the influence of, 113 Generosity, a duty of princes, 273-4 Generous, all givers are not, 276-7 Genoa, the Doge of, — see Pregoso, Ottaviano Genoese Riviera, wine from the, 113 Genoese spendthrift, retort made by a, 139 Gentle birth, requisite in the courtier, 22-5 George, St., 404 German fashion of dress ; affected by some, 102 ; tends to over scantiness, 103 German student at Rome, story of a, 139 German women of Roman times, heroism of, 201 Geryon, 275, 411 Ghirlandajo, 343 Giancristoforo Romano, 12, 66, 135, 333, 404 Gianluca da Pontremolo, 151 Giglio, Domenico, 420, 421 Giolito de* Ferrari, Gabriel, 4x9, 420 Giorgio da Castelfranco, — see Giorgione Giorgione, 50, 313, 343-4, 350, 369 Giovenale, Ettore Romano, 71, 351-2 Latino, de* Mane*-ti, 151, 379 Giovio, Paolo, 330, 369, 420 Giulia, a virtuous peasant girl, 403 Giulio Romano, 314 Giunta, the heirs of Filippo di, 320, 419, 421 Giunti, Benedetto, 419 Giunti, the heirs of Bernardo, 420 Glutton, rebuke administered by the Marquess Federico to a, 145 Goethe's " Travels in Italy,'* 334-5 Golden Fleece, the order of the, 173, 387 Gonnella, a buffoon, 162, 384 Gonnella, Bernardo, his father, 384 Gonzaga, Alessandro, 142, 143, 373 Barbara, Duchess of Wiirtemberg, 394, 404 Cecilia, 394 Cesare, 12, 14, 21, 28, 32, 37, 69, 70, 86,96, 104, 128, 131, 134, i74> I79> 2°8i ""• "3, "Si 216, 218, 231, 235, 236, 237, 243, 245, 257, 269, 273, 296, 307, 309, 331-2, 402, 403, 407 Eleanora, Duchess of Urbino, 244, 318, 407 Elisabetta, Duchess of Urbino, 2, 11-2, 13, 16, 20, 32, 43. 71. 73> 80, 104, 112, 156, 163, 167, 169, 170, 172, 174, 175, 216, 221, 228, 236, 241, 242, 245, 265, 269, 273, 280, 287, 288, 292, 297, 307, 309, 314, 317, 318, 322-3. 329. 334, 335. 341. 352. 380, 388, 394, 398, 404, 405, 407, 409 Federico, Marquess of Mantua, 145, 148, 279, 322, 340, 373. 409 Federico, Marquess and afterwards Duke of Mantua, 279, 343, 362, 373, 374, 379, 413-4 Francesco, — see Gianfrancesco Giampietro, 331 Gianfrancesco, Marquess of Mantua, 274, 313, 317, 3i8, 341, 3S2, 360, 372, 373, 374, 381, 383, 398, 407, 409-10, 413 Gianfrancesco, uncle to " My lady Duchess, ' 404 Giovanni, 142, 373 Ludovico, Bishop of Mantua, 215, 403-4 Ludovico, Marquess of Mantua, 374, 404 Luigi, 331 Luigia, 313 Maddalena, 380 Margarita, 73, 192, 352 Gonzaga family, eulogy of the women of the, 202 Good, the correlative and necessary accompaniment of evil, 78 Good government, three forms of, 260 Gosilano, the Count of, (Don PeBro di Cardona), 375 Goths, the time when Italy was ruled by the, 202 Governo mistOf a6i, 269-70, 409 Gracchi, the, 344, 389 Gracchus, Caius Sempronius, 51, 344 Grace : cannot be learned, but maybe cultivated, 34 ; lies chiefly in the avoidance of affectation, 35 Grace requisite in the courtier, 23 Granada, the conquest of, 203, 2x9-20 Grand Turk, the,— see Bajazet 11 Graphic narrative, 127 Gravity of visage, the effect of pleasantry heightened by, 154 Great Captain, the,— see Consalvo de Cordoba Greece, 65, 192, 219 Greek : Hannitsal said to have written in, 58 ; the cour- tier to be conversant with, 59 ; Castiglione prefers that his son should devote less attention to Latin than to, 347 Greek dialects, discussion of, 47 Gregory, St., 393 Grove's Dictionary of Music, 359 Guicciardini, 409 Hadrian's mausoleum, afterwards the Castle of St. Angelo, 367 Handmaidens, the Festival of the, 199-200, 39s Hands, the beauty of, 55 Hanging, the method by which a Spanish cavalier hoped to escape, 148-9 Hannibal, 58, 201, 274, 347, 376, 392, 408 Harmodius, 390 Harmonia, 191, 389-go Harsy, Denys de, 419 Hasdrubal, igi, 389 Helen of Troy, 351, 387, 415 Henry, Prince of Wales, — see Henry VIII of England Henry IV of England, 413 Henry V of England, 412-3 Henry VII of England, 313, 327, 412-3 Henry VIII of England, 276, 332, 348, 371, 4x2 Hera, 387 Heraclea, 390 Hercules, 171, 275, 305, 408, 411, 412 Hermes, 339, 391 Hermit, Lavinello's, a character in Bembo's GU Asolani, 288, 415 Hernand, Pietro, 368 Hernand y Aguilar, Gonzalvo,— see Consalvo de Cordoba Herodotus, 400 Herrick, Robert, 338 Hesiod, 49 Hiero of Syracuse, 191, 389-90 High standard, to be aimed at, even if a higher cannot be attained, 1x6 Hipparchus, 390 History, the courtier to be versed in, 59 Hobble, Sir Thomas, 316 Hoby, Thomas, 316, 420, 421, 422 William, 316 HohenstaufFen rulers of Naples, 375 Homer, 41, 44, 49, 53, 57. 6i» 62. 284, 315, 348, 391 Honesty and uprightness, requisite in the courtier, 56 Honour of women, discussion as to the regard to be shown to the, 162 Horace, 44, 340 Horse afraid of weapons, story about a, 138 Horse-breeding, 274 Horsemanship, the courtier to be an adept in, 30 Hortensius Hortalus, Quintus, 44, 339 Huguetan, Jean, 420 Humanities, the courtier to be versed in the, 59 Humour, beginning of the discussion on, 120 Hunchbacks, story of two, 151 Hungary, " the other queen of,"— see Aragon, Beatrice