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Argu&ie^ I2X, 143 Arion, 349 Ariosto, Alfonso, 2, 7, 75, 171, 243, 320 Ludovico, 320, 336, 345 Aristippus of Cyrene, 59, 348 Aristobulus 1, King of the Jews, 389 Aristodemus, 264, 409 Aristogeiton, 390 Aristotle, 34, 57, 63, 284-5, 286, 323, 370, 374, 388, 391, 409, 414 Arms, the courtier's true profession, 25 Arms vs. letters, 60-2 Arnold, Fr., 327 Arrogance of princes, 248-9 Art, enjoyment of beauty in nature increased by a knowledge of, 69 Artemisia, 205, 400-1 Arthur Tudor, son of Henry VII of England, 412 Artifice, discussion on, zi8 Artifice in love, deprecated, 165-6 Ascension, Venetian festival of the, 131, 364 Ascham, Roger, 316 Asia, loi, 275 Asinus Domino JBlandiens, one of /Bsop's fables, 357 Asnapper (Sardanapalus), 206, 401 Aspasia, 197, 390-1 Assurbanipal (Sardanapalus), 206, 401 Atanagi's Mime Scelte, 331 Athena, 387 Athenian dialect: spoken v^rith excessive care by Theo- phrastus, 5; not rigidly adhered to by excellent Greek authors, 47 Athens, loi, 197 feminine constancy commemorated by a statue at, 192 Athos, Mount, 274, 411 Atri, Giacomo d', {Count Pianella), — see Pianella Attendolo, Muzio, called Sforza, 381 Attire appropriate to the courtier, 10S-4 Augustus, igo, 388, 401 Aurelian, the Emperor, 401 Austria, Margarita of, 202, 395-6 Maximilian of, — see Maximilian I Philip of, 413 Autharis, King of the Lombards, 393 Ayola, Maria de, 317 Bacon, Francis, afterwards Lord Vefulam, 316 Bactria, 285, 414 Bad government, the evils of, 249 Bad master, the courtier to leave the service of a, 99, 285 Baja, 274, 410 Bajazet II of Turkey, 141, 173, 372, 388 Balance and contrast, in art and character, 83 Baldi, Bernardino, 327 Baldness, jests about Bernardo Bibbiena's, 122, 155 Sallare and danzare compared, 352-3, 382 JBallatorBy 156, 382 Balzo, Antonia del, 400, 404 Isabella del, Queen of Naples, — see Isabella del Balzo Ba/nchi, a street in Rome, the scene of a trick played upon Bibbiena, 159-60, 383 Bandello, 366 Barbara of Brandenburg, Marchioness of Mantua, 374, 404 Barbarelli, Giorgio, — see Giorgione Barbarian influence upon Latin, resulting in Italian, 43 Barbary pirates, touching incident following a hus- band's rescue from, 195-7 Barbara, Gaspare, 422 Bari, Roberto da, — see Roberto da Bari Barletta, 73, 87, 352 Barletta, the tournament at, 351 Barlettani, Lucrezia, 367 Barozzi, Pietro, the (Arch-) Bishop of Padua, 136, 366 Bartolommeo, joke concerning the name, 151 Basa, Bernardo, 420 Basset, a dance performed after the first evening's dis- cussion, 73, 352 Battesworth, A., 421 Bavaria, Duke Albert III of, 374 Margarita of, — see Margarita of Bavaria Bayeux, the Bishop of, — see Canossa, Ludovico da Beatrice, a character in Boccaccio, 164, 165 of Lorraine, 394 Beaufort, Margaret, Countess of Richmond, 413 Beauty: personal beauty requisite in the courtier, 23; beauty unadorned, 55 ; love defined as ** a certain de- sire to enjoy beauty," 288; two ways of enjoying beauty, 289 ; beauty, an effluence of divine goodness, 289; cannot be truly enjoyed by possessing the body in which it is found, 290; "beauty is good:" true love of beauty works for good, 291 ; effect of women's beauty on their own character, 392-3, 296; *' Do not believe that beauty is not always good," 293 ; beauty, a true sign of inward goodness, 294 ; beauty through utility, 294-5 ; "the good and the beautiful are in a way one and the same thing," 295; bodily beauty derived from beauty of the soul, 295-6 ; beautiful women, more chaste than ugly women, 296 ; beauty does not spring from the body wherein it shines, 298 ; beauty best enjoyed through sight and hearing, 298; beauty engendered in beauty, 299-; beauty to be enjoyed for itself, and not for the sake of the body wherein it dwells, 302-3; the highest enjoyment of beauty is the enjoyment of beauty in the abstract, apart from bodily form, 303-4 Beazzano, Agostino, — see Bevazzano Beccadello, Cesare, 160-1, 383 Domenico Maria, 383 Ludovico, 383 Secco, a he-goat, 129, 363 Beggar and lady at church, story of, 125 Belcolore (a character in Boccaccio), 127 Bellini, the, 343 Gentile, 341 Giacopo, 341 Giovanni, 341 Niccolosa, 341 Belvedere, a pavilion in the Vatican Gardens, 274 Bembo, Bernardo, 330 Pietro, 12, 18, 60, 61, 104, 106, I2X, 130, 244, 255, 259-60, 287, 288-307, 308, 319, 320, 321, 330-1, 332, 333, 334, 336, 340, 343, 343. 345, 348, 358, 359, 36a> 363, 364. 367, 368, 369, 374» 379, 380, 383, 403, 407, 415 Bembo's Gli Asolani^ 330, 336, 4x5 JE*rose, 340 Bentivogli, the, 375 Bentivoglio, Francesca, 314 Laura, 373 Berenson, Bernhard, 343 Berg, Adam, 420 Bergamasque dialect, rude by contrast with others, 41, 338 peasant, story of two great ladies deceived by a, 156-7 Bergamo, 105, 338 Bergamo, Lattanzio da, 376 Bernardone, Gianfrancesco, (St. Francis of Assisi),4i6 Bernhardt, Madame Sara, 380 Bernice of Pontus, 389 Beroaldo, Filippo, the elder, 368 Filippo, the younger, 139, 319, 352, 368 Berry, Arthur, "Short History of Astronomy," 360,415 Bersine, wife of Alexander the Great, 40X Berto, a6, X28, 336 Bettoni, Niccold, 421 Bevazzano, Agostino, 144, 374 Francesco, 374 Bias, 263, 408 426

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