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Ability to perform his higliest functions, necessary to the courtier, even if he be not called on, 383 Abrahams, N. C. L., 421 Absurd similes, 129 Accolti, Benedetto, 333 Bernardo,— see Unico Aretino Pietro, 333 Accomplishments, etc., of the courtier; how to be em- ployed, 81 et seq.; the proper aim of, 246 et seq Achaia, 171, 387 Achilles, 61, 62, 64, 284, 348, 349, 414 Acquapendente, 158, 382 Adams, Thomas, 421 Adrian VI, 317, 413 Adriatic, the, 8 Adulation of princes, 348 Ady, Mrs. Henry, 338, 399 ^neas, 339, 393 ^neid, a quotation from the, 365 ^schines, 51, 54, 344 .ffisop, 78, 356, 357 Affectation: to be avoided, 35, 83; instances of: in ora- tory, 35; in dancing, 36; in attire, 36; in riding, 37; in boasting, 37; in music, 37; in painting, 37; in speech, 38; in preferring to practise that in which one does not most excel, 117 "Aforesaid," story about a Sienese who mistook Aforesaid for a name, 130 Age, the courtier's functions affected by his, 281, 283-4 Agesilaus, 250, 408 Agilulph, Duke of Turin, 393 Agnello, Antonio, 126, 361-2 Giulio, 362 Agone, the Piazza d', 249, 407 Aguilar, the Marquess of, 384 Alamanni, 149-50 Albert III, Duke of Bavaria, 374 Alberti, Giovanni, 421 Albizzi, 370 Albret, Charlotte d', 377 Alcibiades, 57, 89, 356, 402 Aldana, Captain, 152, 379 Aldine Press, 315, 4x9 Aldus (Teobaldo Manucci), 315, 329, 332, 394, 405 Alessandrina Library at Rome, 417 Alexander the Great, 28, 34, 57, 58, 61, 62, 63, 68, 70, 103, 109, 142, 146, 205, 207, 210, 212, 274, 275, 284, 2S5, 338, 348, 351, 358, 401. 4", 414 Alexander 111, 364 Alexander VI (Roderigo Lenzuoli Borgia), 10, 126, 147, 216, 318, 328, 336, 340, 361, 365, 367, 369, 371, 372, 375, 377, 380, 382, 395, 397, 400 Alexander Jannaeus, King of the Jews, zgx, 389 Alexandra, Queen of the Jews, 191, 389 Alexandria in Egypt, founded by Alexander the Great, 274, 411 Alexandria, the Bishop of, (Giannantoniodi Sangiorgio), 142, 372 Alexandrian Cardinal, the, (Giovanni Antonio di San- giorgio), 142, 372 Alfonso I of Naples, 146, 153, 156, 375-6 Alfonso II of Naples, 10, 327, 363, 383, 397, 398, 400 Alfonso the Magnanimous, — see Alfonso I of Naples Alidosi, Francesco, — see Pavia, the Cardinal of Almada, Brazaida de,— see Castagneta, the Countess of Juan Baez de, 384 Almogaver,— see Boscan Altamura, the Prince of, 399 Altoviti, 149-50 Alva, the Duke of, 315 " Amadis of Gaul," 405 Amalasontha, Queen of the Goths, 202, 393 Ambrogini, Angelo,— see Poliziano Benedetto, 345 Ambros, 359 Ambrosiana Library at Milan, 417 Amiable manners necessary to the courtier, gi Anceiin, Thibauld, 420 Ancona, absurd duelling of two cousins of, 30 Angelica Library at Rome, 417 Angelier, Abel r,42i Arnoul 1', 419 Angouleme, Count Charles d*, 346 Monseigneur d',— see Francis Z of France Anichino, a character in Boccaccio, 164 Anne of Brittany, Queen of France, 202, 371, 395, 396 Anne of Cleves, Duchess of Orleans, 371 Anteeus, 275, 4x1 Antigonus, King of Macedon, 351 Antiphanes, 364 Antonello da Forii, 147, 376 Antonio di Tommaso, 375 Antonius, Marcus, (the orator), 44, 51, 339 Apelles, 37, 68, 70, 338, 351, 402 Apennines, 8, 43 Aphrodite, 387, 388 Apollo, 356 Apollo Belvedere, 349, 410 Aptitude for fun, requisite in a man who would be amusing, 154 Apulia, use of music in, as a cure for bite of tarantula, 15 Aquila, Seratino dall', — see Serafino dall' Aquila Aquino, the Bishop of, — see Mario de' MafFei Aragon, Alfonso II of Naples, — see Alfonso II of Naples Alfonso V of, — see Alfonso I of Naples Beatrice, Queen of Hungary, 204, 336, 397, 399, 400 Catherine, wife of Henry VIII of England, 412 Eleanora, Duchess of Ferrara, 204-5, 336) 363, 397, 398, 399 Federico III of Naples, — see Federico III of Naples Ferdinand of, — see Ferdinand the Catholic Ferdinand I of Naples,— see Ferdinand I of Naples Ferdinand II of Naples, — see Ferdinand II of Naples Ferdinand the Just, 375 Ferdinand, Duke of Calabria, 400 Isabella, Duchess of Milan, 204, 327, 381, 398, 400 Joanna, wife-aunt of Ferdinand II of Naples, 337, 397 Juan II, King of Navarre and, 397 Juana, wife of Philip of Austria, 413 Ludovico, Cardinal, 159, 341, 383 Archaisms of speech discussed, 39-54 Archiuzow, an alleged Russian translator of THE COURTIER, 334 Arco, MS. bibliographical notes by the late Count d*, 417 Ares, 411 Aretino, Pietro, 333 Unico, (Bernardo Accolti), — see Unico Aretino Argentina, madonna, ig6

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