ELISABETTA GONZAGA, wife of Guidobaldo di Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino. Aged 46. EMILIA PIA, friend and companion of the Duchess, and widow of the Duke's half-brother. Aged about 30. MARGARITA GONZAGA, young niece and companion of the Duchess. COSTANZA FREGOSA, young half-niece of the Duke. FRANCESCO MARIA DELLA ROVERE, nephew and adopted heir of the Duke. Aged 17. Count LUDOVICO DA CANOSSA, a kinsman of the author, afterwards made Bishop of Bayeux. Aged 31. FEDERICO FREGOSO, half-nephew of the Duke, afterwards made a cardinal. Aged 27. GIULIANO DE' MEDICI, an exile from Florence, known at Urbino as " My lord Magnifico," and afterwards made Duke of Nemours. Aged 29. BERNARDO DOVIZI, better known as BIBBIENA, an adherent of the Medici, afterwards made a cardinal. Aged 37. OTTAVIANO FREGOSO, elder brother of Costanza and Federico, afterwards Doge of Genoa. PIETRO BEMBO, a Venetian scholar and poet, afterwards made a cardinal. Aged 37. CESARE GONZAGA, a kinsman of the Duchess, and cousin as well as close friend of the author. Aged about 32. BERNARDO ACCOLTI, better known as the UNICO ARETINO, a courtier-poet and popular extemporizer. Aged about 42. Count GASPAR PALLAVICINO. Aged 2i. GIANCRISTOFORO ROMANO, a sculptor, medallist, etc. Aged about 42. COLLO VINCENZO CALMETA, a courtier-poet. LUDOVICO PIO, a brave young soldier, and kinsman of Emilia Pia. SIGISMONDO MORELLO DA ORTONA, an elderly courtier. Marquess FEBUS DI CEVA, NICCOLO FRISIO, V courtiers. PIETRO DA NAPOLI, ROBERTO MASSIMO DA BARI, Pra SERAFINO, a jester. Time : March 1507. Place : The Palace of Urbino.