Marais du Cygne, Le, 429.
My Children, 317.
Myrtle Flowers, 223.
Nature and the Philosopher, 705.
November, 737.
November. April, 177.
Shipwreck, 101.
Skater, The, 788.
Spirits in Prison, 838.
Swan-Song of Parson Avery, The, 207.
Telegraph, The, 591.
To -284.
Trustee's Lament, The, 370.
Waldemsamkeit, 550.
M Washing of the Feet," The, on Holy Thurs-
day, in St. Peter's, 728.
What a Wretched Woman said to me, 151.
Work and Eest, 673.
LITERARY NOTICES. American Cyclopaedia, The New, 256. Annual Obituary Notices, by N. Crosby, 900. Aquarium, The, by P. H. Gosse, 253. Belle Brittan on a Tour, 638. Bigelow, Jacob, Brief Expositions of Rational Medicine by, 763. Black's Atlas of North America, 900. Chapman's American Drawing-Book, 255. Church and Congregation, The, by C. A. Bar- tol, 128. Crosby's Annual Obituary, for 1857, 900. Curiosities of Literature, by Disraeli, 768. Cyclopaedia of Drawing, The, by W. E. Wor- then, 640. Cyclopaedia, The New American, 256. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 768. Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature, 768. Drawing-Book, The American, by J. G. Chap- man, 255. Drawing, The Cyclopaedia of, 640. Ewbank, Thomas, Thoughts on Matter and Force by, 764. Exiles of Florida, The, by J. R. Giddings, 609. Contents. Fitch, John, Westcott's Life of, 607. Giddings, Joshua R., The Exiles of Florida by 609. Goadby, Henry, A Text-Book of Animal and Vegetable Physiology by, 766. Gray's Botanical Series, 383. Household Book of Poetry, by C. A. Dana, 768. Inductive Sciences, History of the, by Whe- well, 122. Journey due North, A, by G. A. Sala, 895. Kingsley, Charles, Sir Walter Raleigh and his Time, with other Papers by, 894. Library of Old Authors, 119. Life beneath the Waters, 509. New Priest in Conception Bay, The, 896. Pascal, Etudes sur, par M. Victor Cousin, 637. Pellico, Silvio, Lettres de, 767. Physiology, Animal and Vegetable, by Henry Goadby, 766. Poe's Poetical Works, 900. Raleigh, Sir Walter, and his Time, with other Papers, by C. Kingsley, 894. Rational Medicine, Brief Expositions of, by Jacob Bigelow, 763. Robertson, Rev. F. W., Sermons by, 127. Sea-Shore, Common Objects of the, by J. G. Wood, 253. Stephenson, George, Smiles's Life of, 124. Summer Time in the Country, 899. Thoughts on Matter and Force, by Thomas Ewbank, 764. Vocabularies, 126. A Volume of, by T. Wrigtt, Webster, John, Dramatic Works of, 119. Whewell's History of the Inductive Sciences 122. Wright, Thomas, A Volume of Vocabularies by, 126.