S. R. M. Nishanka Bahadur Garu.
become the seat of the Zemindari, where a nice palace is built with all the modern appliances.
It is creditable to Sri Rajah Mritinjaya Nishanka Bahadur Garu that he is the only Zemindar in Northern Circars, who possesses a knowledge of many arts and sciences. He has studied medicine well, and has cured many hard cases by administering the medicines prepared by him. His knowledge of astronomy is of a high order, and he is an expert in examining diamonds. It is an acknowledged fact that he is a great architect, and a renowned artist. His musical talent is admired by all. That he is a highly accomplished Telugu scholar has been proved beyond doubt by his well-known commentaries on the following three of the works of Kalidasa:— Abhignyana Sakunthala, Vikramorvasiya and Malavikagni Mitra. His book of morals, known as Nithi Sastra Sangraham, has become a popular one, and is highly spoken of by the educated classes. He has also published the following originAl works in Telugu:— Sri Sambha Sathakam, Gowree Vivaham, Raja Sekhara Vilasam, Sri Suryanarayana Charitham, Dasavathara Natakam and Parijatham. He is also the author of a book which contains a Code of Laws as a help to Zemindars.
In 1877, the Rajah Sahib convened a large meeting and addressed those present on the proclamation of the late Queen Victoria as the Empress of India. He composed some verses in praise of Her Majesty, and presented them to her. On the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty the late Empress of India, he was the recipient of a certificate of honour as a recognition of his ripe scholarship, and of the able management of his estate. Last year, on the occasion of the Coronation of His Majesty King Edward YII, the Rajah Sahib got up a large