The Aristocracy of Southern India.
of the Nuzvid family, took the eighteen parganas of his ancestor for rent. The Kamadana people exerted their influence with the Nawab of Hyderabad and got a permanent sunnud for those parganas in the name of Venkatadri, but before they returned, Venkatadri had died. However, his brother Jagannadha received the sunnud. The new Zemindar in a short time Earned against his benefactors, and in the struggle that ensued they made him prisoner. Before setting him free they wrung out a promise from him to give them the management of the Nidadavole and Pentapad parganas; but he failed to fulfil his promise as he tried to expel them from his jurisdiction when he had regained his liberty. They used their influence again with the Nizam of Hyderabad and succeeded in obtaining a sunnud for the whole of the Nuzvid estates. When this fact reached the ears of Appa Rao he was in a fix, and scarcely had the Kamadana people arrived from Hyderabad, when he offered them the whole of the Charmahal estate on condition that they got the sunnud cancelled. This they did, but he proved false to his promise. By this time the French had established themselves at Masulipatam and were very influential in the Dekhan. They had a fort at Divi within the jurisdiction of the Zemindar. The Kamadana people made known their grievances to the French and sought their help. They wanted Appa Rao to come to terms, but he would not do go; the consequence was that a battle took place, in
which he was made prisoner. He died in the prison. Thereupon the Kamadana people exerted their influence with the French, and got one Venkatadri, a lineal descendant of the family, to succeed Appa Rao. Venkatadri obtained Amaldari and Zemindari sunnuds through Hasan Ali Khan. Venkatadri Appa Rao, in token of