Sri Rajah A. V. Jugga Rao Bahadur Garu.
you have voluntarily rendered to this Department by forwarding your observations for collocation with those of the official observations.
I have the honor to be, Sir, Your niDst obedient servant, (Signed) HENRY F. BLANFORD, Meteorological Beporter to the Govt, of Bengal. No. 67. From The Meteorological Reporter to the Govt, of Bengal. To A. V. Nursing Row, Esq., • Vizagapatam, Dated Calcutta, 10^/t February 1872. Sir, •
I am directed to convey to you the thanks of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal for the valuable assistance you have rendered to this office in communicating copies of the Vizagapatam Registers.
I have the honor to be, ^ Sir, Your most obedient servant, (Signed) HENRY F. BLANFORD, Meteorological Reporter to the Govt, of Bengal. »»