S. R. J. R. Y- Ettappa Nayakar Bahadur.
"Lastly I assure you I will make it my sacred duty to manage my estate without deviating from the path of virtue and justice; and wish to avail myself of this opportunity to present this sunnud to Rai Bahadur K. Jagannadha Chetty Garoo with whose experience, I hope to give satisfaction in the management of my ancient and important Zemindari.
"Thanking you again, ladies and gentlemen, for your extreme kindness in attending this installation ceremony, I fervently pray for the speedy termination of the Transvaal troubles in favour of Great Britain and Ireland and for the long life, sound health and prosperous rule of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen-Empress of India."
The Rajah of Ramnad telegraphed the following message of congratulation on the occasion:—
"My heartfelt congratulations to you on your assumption of charge of your ancient and historical estate. My fervent prayers to Sree Ramanatha and to Kalugachala Shanmuga Moorthi to grant you long life and continued prosperity and to make you and your truth flourish. I have little in the way of advice except to beg you most earnestly as the son of one who was to me devoted brother to take my complete failure as a Zemindar as sufficient warning to you in your future career and to remind you of the words of Lord Ripon to the, Nizam, 'look to your finance,' an advice which I disregarded but which I must beg you " to^ bear in mind to avoid the consequences. I suffer by disregarding it. You know what great affection and regard I have for you personally and it is that that prompts me, even presses me to wire to you thus opening my heart to you. Your manager, Mr.