S. R. J. R. V. Ettappa Nayakar Bahadur.
sending a force of 5,000 armed men. It was during this reign that the Vishnu temple at Etaiyapuram was constructed and dedicated. The Zemindar was a great patron of learning. He gave substantial rewards to Kadigai Muthu Pulavar for his Samudra Vilasam, and Kumaresa Manjari.
Muthu Jagavira Rama Cumara Ettappa Nayakar, the 31st Zemindar, was also well known for his wisdom and valour. He had a standing army of 6,000 men. He was the first to render meritorious services to the British Government by defeating the adherents of a refractory Poligar, Cataboma Nayakar of Panjalamcurichy, who defied the authorities and set at naught, their measures. The then Collector, Mr. Lushington heard favorable accounts of the most opportune help of the Zemindar of Etaiyapuram who went there with a small army against Cataboma Nayakar.
In recognition of the timely help given by the Zemindar of Etaiyapuram in the defeat, pursuit, and capture of the rebel chief Cataboma Nayakar, the British Government made him a grant of the village of Sivagnanapuram. The chief was executed and one of his accomplices, Kumaraswami Nayak, his brother, was imprisoned with many others at Ramnad. A conspiracy was formed to release the latter. The conspirators successfully proceeded to the jail, overpowered the guards, entered and threw open the prison doors. This over, they proceeded to Panjalamcurichy and erected a fort well manned by a garrison of 5,000 men all ready and eager for the fight. A small army of the British fired and killed 100 men at one discharge when the remainder beat a precipitate