The Aristocracy of Southern India.
and its rider. From that time forward he was called "Edawangkai" or left-handed Ketchilappa Nayakar. He once overcame the then Sethupathi in a dispute, and
deprived him of his state miibrellas and two state horses, and chased him and his attendants as far as Pemalli village. The eldest son of the Zemindar's second wife, Rana Sura Ketchilappa Nayakar, got into the good graces of Muthuvirappa Nayakar, received as gift, certain villages attached to Kurumalai and settled down there.
It was in the administration of the next Zemindar, Jagavira Rama Ketchila Ettappa Nayakar Aiyan, that protection was given to the Catholic priests living there. The following inscription on a stone is still in existence:—
"Year—year 865, the 19th day of the month Chitra. We Jagavira Ettappa Nayakar Avergal (make proclamation as follows): As in our father's days, twenty-five years ago, this church of God in our territory and the Matha of the ascetics of the city of Rome were preserved from harm, so also now we being resolved to do the same have visited this church and the priests and have given and set up this stone. Wherefore if any person should do any harm to this church of God or the priests, or their disciples, not only will he become a traitor to us, but let him also incur the guilt which would ensue from slaying a black cow and Brahmans on the banks of the Ganges. Thus we have ordained as long as sun and moon endure. Jagavira Ettapa Nayakar. May the Lord preserve (us)."
The 27th ruler, Jagavira Rama Venkateswara Ettappa Nayakar Aiyan was very religious and also said to be well-skilled in magic and witchcraft. The Rajah of Ramnad besieged the fort of Anamanthakudi and sought the aid of the Zemindar of Etaiyapuram, who lost no time in