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On hearing the death of Her Most Gracious Majesty, the Queen-Empress Victoria, the Rajah evinced his sympathy in various ways. To commemorate the memory of that august lady, he came forward to build a hospital last year and the foundation stone was laid by the Collector of the district. The building is in course of construction and it will soon be an accomplished fact. He maintains a bed in the Gosha Hospital, and has endowed a secondbed. To the Victoria Memorial Fund, the Dowager Ranee and the Ranee of Mandasa subscribed Rs. 2,000. The following letter was addressed by H. E. Lord Ampthill, on the 3rd October 1901 to the Rajah Sahib:—
"To The Zemindar of Mandasa. Dear Sir,
I wish in reply to your letter of the 26th September last, to thank you most sincerely for the generosity with which your family has come forward, to support the Women's Victoria Memorial Fund. Will you be so good as to express my gratitude to the Dowager Ranee, and to your lady the Ranee of Mandasa.
Believe me, Yours very truly, (Signed) AMPTHILL."
The Rajah Sahib takes much interest in students' hostels, and the present additional ward to the students' hostel at Berhampore owes its existence to his generosity.
When the Rajah Sahib heard of the redemption of the Victoria Town Hall at Madras, he not only subscribed Rs. 3,000 towards it but also induced many of his friends to contribute towards the movement. He maintains a lower secondary school, a girls' school, a Sanskrit school,