H. H. The Rajah of Kallikote & Atagada.
is a member of the managing committee of the Kallikote College, and a member of the Taluq Board of Ganjam.
The Second Grade College at Berhampore, now known as "Kallikote College" was first established by Government, but some years ago they were going to abolish it; then some of the Zemindars in the District undertook its management. After a few years it was about to collapse for want of proper support when the Rajah Sahib came forward with a liberal donation of a lakh of Rupees, and the institution now stands on a permanent footing.
Till 1897 one of the great wants of the townsmen of Berhampore was a town hall. The Rajah Sahib, who perceived the want, with a generosity becoming a prince, built at his cost a spacious building for the use of the public of Berhampore, and called it "The Diamond Jubilee Hall," in honor of that most auspicious event—the Diamond Jubilee of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria.
The Rajah Sahib has established a free dispensary at Kallikote, the head-quarters of one of his estates, and this has been very useful to the people living there and also to those in the surrounding villages. There is a competent medical officer in charge of the hospital.
The Rajah Sahib has a press of his own called the "Estate Press." Two newspapers in Oriya are printed there; one of them is called Praja Bhandu, and the other Yutkala Maduko. The former is a weekly paper and the latter, a monthly journal which is printed free of charge to the editor with a view to popularise journalism and enlighten the Oriya speaking community. Dharma Sastar is printed and sold at the press at a very cheap rate.