American grain grain-broker grip groceries hardware-dealer haystack headliner hod-carrier hog-pen hospital (private) huckster hunting Indian Indian Summer instalment-business instalment-plan janitor legal-holiday letter-box letter-carrier livery-stable locomotive engineer lumber mad Methodist molasses monkey-wrench moving-picture-theatre napkin (dinner) necktie news-dealer newspaper-man oatmeal officeholder orchestra (seats in a theatre) overcoat _, .-parlor parlor-car ^-patrolman (police) English corn corn-factor hold-all stores ironmonger haycock topliner hodman piggery nursing-home coster (monger) shooting Red Indian St. Martin's Summer credit-trade hire-purchase plan caretaker -bank-holiday pillar-box postman mews x engine-driver deals angry Wesley an treacle spanner cinema serviette tie, or cravat news-agent pressman, or journalist ' porridge public-servant stalls great-coat parcel drawing-room saloon-carriage - constable i It should be noted that mews is used only in the larger cities. In the small towns livery-stable is commoner. Mews is quite unknown in America save as an occasional archaism.