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THE NEWGATE OF CONNECTICUT. By R. H. PHELPS. A History of the celebrated Simsbury mines, the historical prison in which Tories were confined during the Revolutionary war a hundred years ago, and used as a State's Prison for years afterwards. The only book of its kind, and intensely interesting. Illustrated with views of the old and present Newgate, and also of the Wethersfield State's Prison. 12mo. 117 Pages. 6 Engravings. Price in Cloth, 75 cte.

The foregoing Books are all new and just from the Press.

*SCRIPTURE READING LESSONS, An Aid to Family Worhsip. By Rev. J. T. Champlain, D. D. Destined to fill a place long void. To every family where Family Worship is observed, it will prove invaluable. It covers the whole Bible and is free from anything sectarian. It will be sold at an extremely low price in order in place it in the reach of all.

*INDIA: ITS PRINCES AND ITS PEOPLB. By Mrs. Julia A. Stone. A Magnificent Book, Splendidly Illustrated. It is a sensible, shrewd, American woman's description of India and its People, after a residence there of years, during which she journeyed over all parts of the country, up and down the Ganges, etc. A work of most thrilling interest.

*These two last named books are not yet published, but are now nearly ready for the press, and will be issued as soon as practicable.

Agents canvassing for any of the Books mentioned above or on the preceding page are allowed to .take orders for any of the following. For many of them a constant demand exists, and the agent will realize a large income from their sale without trouble.

SKETCHES NEW AND OLD. By Mark Twain. Among them the story of the Jumping Frog. A beautiful parlor table-book. 320 Pages, 122 Illustrations.

Price in Cloth. Cloth, Gilt Edges. Leather (library style). Half Morocco. Full Morocco.
$3.00 $3.50 $3.50 $4.50 $6.00

INNOCENTS ABROAD: OR THE NEW PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. By Mark Twain. Everybody has heard of this book. Fully Illustrated. 652 Pages, 234 Engravings.

Price in Cloth. Cloth, Gilt Edges. Leather (library style). Half Morocco. Full Morocco.
$3.50 $4.00 $4.00 $5.00 $8.00

ROUGHING IT. By Mark Twain. A companion volume to Innocents Abroad. Full of Twain's characteristic humor. 600 Pages, 300 Illustrations.

Price in Cloth. Cloth, Gilt Edges. Leather (library style). Half Morocco. Full Morocco.
$3.50 $4.00 $4.00 $5.00 $8.00

THE GILDED AGE. By Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner. A tale of To-Day. Wit, Humor, and Romance combined. 576 Pages, 212 Illustrations.

Price in Cloth. Cloth, Gilt Edges. Leather (library style). Half Morocco. Full Morocco.
$3.50 $4.00 $4.00 $5.00 $8.00

MY OPINIONS AND BETSEY BOBBET'S. By Josiah Allen's Wife. A home book, full of humor, sarcasm, and instruction. One of the most amusing books ever written. 432 Pages. 12mo. 50 Illustrations.

Price in Cloth, $2.50.Cloth, Gilt Edges, $3.00.Half Morocco, $4.00.

THE GREAT SOUTH. By Edward King. Illustrated from sketches by J. Wells Champney. A record of journeyings in all the South in 1872 and 73. This book has won a world wide reputation both for beauty and for faithful portrayal of the South as it is. Magnificently illustrated. Large Octavo, 810 Pages. Maps and Engravings over 600.

Price in Cloth. Plain Leather. Half Morocco. Fall Morocco.
$6.00 $7.00 $8.00 $12.00

THE WORLD OF WIT AND HUMOR. An unique book. A collection of famous humorous sketches and poems, from the pens of the most celebrated writers. Such poems as "Nothing to Wear," "The Heathen Chinee," and "The Wonderful One-Horse Shay," are here collected and illustrated, and scores of equally noted prose sketches. A beautiful volume just adapted to the parlor table. Large Octavo, 500 Pages. 450 Engravings.

Price in Cloth. Cloth, Gilt Edges. Library. Half Morocco. Full Morocco.
$3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $6.00 $10.00

SQUIBS, OR EVERY DAY LIFE ILLUSTRATED By Palmer Cox. One of the funniest books ever written. A record of sights seen by the author in his walks about town and sketched by him on the spot. A book to read and laugh over. 12mo. 500 Pages. 200 Engravings.

Price in Cloth, $2.00.Cloth, Gilt Edges, $2.50.Half Morocco, $4.00.
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