"Is it under all of them?"
"How you talk! No!"
"Then how you going to know which one to go for? "
"Go for all of 'em!"
"Why Tom, it'll take all summer."
"Well, what of that? Suppose you find a brass pot with a hundred dollars in it, all rusty and gay, or a rotten chest full of di'monds. How's that?"
Huck's eyes glowed.
"That's bully. Plenty bully enough for me. Just you gimme the hundred dollars and I don't want no di'monds."
"All right. But I bet you I ain't going to throw off on di'monds. Some of 'em's worth twenty dollars apiece—there ain't any, hardly, but's worth six bits or a dollar."
"No! Is that so?"
"Cert'nly—anybody'll tell you so. Hain't you ever seen one, Huck?"
"Not as I remember."
"O, kings have slathers of them."
"Well, I don't know no kings, Tom."
"I reckon you don't. But if you was to go to Europe you'd see a raft of 'em hopping around."
"Do they hop?"
"Hop?—your granny! No!"
"Well what did you say they did, for? "
"Shucks, I only meant you'd see 'em—not hopping, of course—what do they want to hop for? but I mean you'd just see 'em scattered around, you know, in a kind of a general way. Like that old hump-backed Richard."
"Richard? What's his other name?"
"He didn't have any other name. Kings don't have any but a given name."
"But they don't."
"Well, if they like it, Tom, all right; but I don't want to be a king and have