The Adventures of David Simple
loved her. "But," continued she, "with joy I perceive that you, my Camilla, whom for the future I am to have the pleasure of calling sister, are the only person who could truly touch his heart." Camilla blushed, and felt at that moment (if possible) more tenderness for Cynthia than ever. But before she had time to make any answer, a message was brought from her father that he desired them both to walk into another apartment, where David, Valentine, and the clergyman waited for them. From thence they proceeded to the church, where the ceremony was performed. To attempt to describe David's and Valentine's raptures is utterly impossible; Camilla and Cynthia, without reluctance, gave their hands where their hearts were already united with so much sincerity.
The old gentleman wept for joy that all Livia's deceit and cunning, and his own extravagant passion for her, could not prevent his enjoying the excessive happiness of thus blessing his children, and having such a prospect of their prosperity. And the clergyman's real goodness made him partake of all their pleasures.
Perhaps it may be here expected I should give some description of the persons of my favourite characters; but as the writers of novels and romances have already exhausted all the beauties of nature to adorn their heroes and heroines, I shall leave it to my reader's imagination to form them just as they like best. It is their minds I have taken most pains to bring them acquainted with, and from that acquaintance it will be easy to judge what scheme of life was followed by this whole company.
David's travels were now at an end; and he thought himself overpaid, in Camilla's goodness, for all his troubles and disappointments. On the other side, her happiness was complete in having it