The Adventures of David Simple
reason to thank his Creator for giving him so much happiness as he had found in that company. The other three heartily consented to it; and said they were sure the meeting with him, and the being delivered from their afflictions and distress, was so signal a mark of Divine Providence, that they could never be thankful enough for it. This naturally led Cynthia to give some account of the conversation she met with in her journey to town. She had mentioned it slightly before, but now she told them all the ridiculous arguments the atheist had made use of to prove there was no Deity.
David could not forbear crying out, "Good God! is it possible there can be a creature in the world so much an enemy to himself and to all mankind as to endeavour to take from men's minds the greatest comfort they can possibly enjoy?" They all admired the clergyman's behaviour; and David said he heartily wished he was acquainted with him. Now it happened by great accident that this very clergyman preached at the church they went to; and as soon as Cynthia saw him, she informed her company who he was. They were all rejoiced at it; and David was charmed with his discourse, and meditated some method, by Cynthia's means, of introducing himself to him. When church was done it rained so violently that, no coach being to be had, they were forced to stay; and in the meantime the clergyman brought about David's wish, without any trouble of bls, for he presently came and spoke to Cynthia; she told him that gentleman longed for his acquaintance, David begged the favour of him to dine with them; he civilly accepted the invitation, and they all went home together.
Cynthia, as soon as she had an opportunity, asked him if he had ever heard anything of the atheist; to which the clergyman replied that,