d’une parole claire); we must tell them before the world (tout haut) what we think to ourselves (tout bas), and since we are resolved to make Bohemia free, we must not leave our resolution half unsaid (la forme d’un sous-entendu). In a word, we must have the courage of our friendships and of our ideas, and to this people which is suffering and whom they are trying to dupe by exploiting its sufferings, we must cry from afar: ‘Wait for us! We are coming; don’t weaken!’” It was no mere accident that this article should have received such prominence in so representative a French organ on the very eve of the publication of the Allied Note, which expressly recognises the liberation of the Czecho-Slovak nation as one of our war aims.
The Spanish Crisis
Although the official note whereby the Spanish Government explained the last crisis only recognised one cause for it, namely the internal political situation, there is no doubt that international questions had at least as much influence in deciding Count Romanones to seek the King’s confirmation of his mandate. The internal situation is dominated by the fact that Señor Alba, the Finance Minister, whose somewhat pretentious budget met with grave difficulties in Parliament, had shown signs of restiveness and undiscipline which threatened to strike a mortal blow at the Cabinet. Meanwhile, the frankly pro-Ally attitude, which Count Romanones’ Cabinet had adopted towards the submarine question, and especially in regard to the Peace Notes, produced a violent outburst in the pro-German press. An insidious campaign was immediately launched against the Prime Minister, who was accused of favouring the Allies with an eye on his profits as a lead and coal owner, and the signal for this campaign was given by no less a person than “a high diplomatist connected with the Central Empires” (probably Prince Ratibor, the German Ambassador himself) in an interview to La Nacion.
Whatever the defects of Count Romanones, no one disputes his political skill. Without acknowledging the accusations directed against him, he seized the opportunity which his impatient Finance Minister afforded him and tendered the King the resignation of all the Cabinet on purely internal grounds. At the same time he took care to request His Majesty to hear the opinion of all his ex-Prime-Ministers and Presidents of the two Houses of Parliament, before deciding the choice of a new Premier. King Alfonso followed this advice, and after consultation with several political leaders decided to call Count Romanones again to power. By the royal ratification the Prime Minister finds himself not only the confirmed master of all his collaborators, however ambitious and impatient, but also the mouthpiece of the nation in international matters, with all the moral authority of the King’s choice and the unanimous advice of the “Elder Statesmen.”
There is no doubt that the Cabinet so reinforced will take a strong stand against the German submarine campaign, and as for peace. Spain will avoid all interference until she is certain of the willingness of both sides to discuss it. But when the opportunity arises, both the Central Empires and the Allies will find that Spain is anxious to mediate. It was not indifference, but wisdom, which made her stand out, when President Wilson launched his ill-timed Note.