' drCcalcnUted).
�Water . . .
�Ethyl alcohol . .
�Acetone . . .
�Ether . . .
�Carbon disulphide .
�Acetic acid .
�Ethyl acetate . .
�Benzene . . .
�Chloroform . . .
��The following numbers show that in some cases (denoted in the table by an asterisk *), exceptional results are obtained in the same manner as for the lowering of the freezing point: —
MoLECCLAK Bisk in Boiling Point in Benzkne. rfr(calcnlated) = 267.
♦Salicylic acid 2H)
Acetanilide 25-i)
��Molecular Risk in Boiling Point in Chix)bofohm.
dr(calciilated) = 36-6.
Naphthalene 36*2 : ** Benzoic acid
Camphor 36*0 * Salicylic acid
MoLECULAB Rise in Boiling Point in ETinx Alcohol.
��rf r (calculated) = 11-5.
��Benzil .... Phenyl benzoate Ethyl benzoate . Benzoic acid . . Salicylic acid
- Potassium acetate
��Tartaric acid . . Borneol . . .
- Lithium chloride
Mercuric chloride ♦Cadmium iodide
- Sodium iodide .
��Molecular Rise in Boiling Point in Glacial Acetic Acid.
rf r (calculated) = 25-3.
�� �