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32 Scientific IVorks published by Longmans^ Green^ ^ Co,


Edited by G. Carey Foster, F.R.S., and by Sir Philip Magnus, B.Sc., B.A.

of the City and Guilds of London Institute.

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MECHANICS. By Sir Robert Sta- WELL Ball, LL.D., F.R.S. With 89 Diagrams. Fcp. 8vo., zj. 6^.

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MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND SOUND. By Frederick Guthrie, F.R,S. With 91 Diagrams. Fcp. 8vo., js. 6d.

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��ZOOLOGY OF THE VERTEBRATE ANIMALS. By Alexander Mao AUSTER, M.D. With 77 Diagrams. Fcp. 8vo., IX. 6d.

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BOTANY. Outlines of Morphology and Physiology. By W. R. McNab, M.D. With 43 Diagrams. Fcp. 8vo., IX. 6d,

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