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^1^) Kalilenberg and Austin: J. Physical Chem,^ 1900, 4, 553.

{15) Loeb: PJiiigers Arch., 1897, 69, 1; 1898, 71, 457.

[^10) Paul and Kronig: Zeit.phys, Chem., 1897, 21, 414.

J7) Ostwald: J, pr, Chem., 1883, 28, 449; 1884, 29, 385; 1884, 80,

93. See also Arrhenius: Iiiaiigural'DissertcUiont 1884, Part

II, 60. ,7^) Arrheniua: Zeit. phys, Chem., 1889, 4, 244. {19) Palinaer: ZeiLphys, Chem,, 1894, 22, 492. ^m Reicher: Liel^. Ann., 1885, 228, 257.

��Chapter XII.

J) van't Hoff: Zeit.phys, Chem., 1889, 8, 484.

{2) Euler: Zeit phys. Chem.y 1900, 81, 360.

,^i) Rothmund : Zeit, phys. Chem,, 1900, 88, 401.

(4) Thomsen: ThermocJiemische t7n^^««j/inti^cn," 1882-1886.

(5) Ostwald: J.pr. Chem., 1877 (ii), 16, 396.

((;; Berthelot: Ann. Chim. Phys., 1862, 66, 66 ; 1863, 68.

,7) Arrhenius. See {1^), Chap. XI.

{S) Shields: Zeit. phys. Chem., 1893, 12, 107.

{9) Arrhenius: Zeit. phys, C7iew., 1893, 11, 805. {10) Wijs: Zeit. phys. CJiem., 1893, 11, 492; 1893, 12, 514. {11) Ostwald: Zeit. phys. Chem., 1893, 11, 521. (i;>) Bredig : Zeit. phys. Chem., 1893, 11, 829.

{U) Kohlrausch and Heydweiller: Zeit. phys, Chem., 1894, 14, 317. {14) Arrhenius: Zeit. phys. Oiem., 1889, 4, 96; 1892, 9, 339. {15- J. J. Thomson : Phil. Mag., 1893, 86, 320. (if/ Nemst: Zeit. phys. Chem., 1894, 18, 531. (77 Planck: Wied. Ann., 1887, 82, 494. {IS) Fanjung: Zeit. phys. Chem., 1894, 14, 673. ■Ji)) Dnide : Zeit. phys. C7tem., 1897, 28, 265.

>o) Ratz
Zeit. phys. Chem., 1896, 19, 94.

Chapter XIII.

•J, Helmholtz: '* j&r/ioZhaisr (/cr -K'ra/«," Berlin, 1847.

(:i'; Lord Kelvin : Phil. Mag., 1851 (iv), 2.

(;^) Thomsen: Wied. Ann., 1880, 11, 246.

,.//; Edlund: Pogg. Ann., 1869, 187, 474; 1871, 148, 404, 534.

.7^ Braun
Wied. Ann., 1878, 6, 182 ; 1882, 16, 561; 1882, 17, 593.

(0) Gibbs : " Thermodynamische Sfttdien,^^ German translation by

Ostwald, Leipsic, 1892, p. 407.

(7; Helmholtz: Sitz. Bet. Bed. Akad., 1882.

{S) Jahn: Wied. Ann., 1886, 28, 21, 491.

{9) G. Meyer: Zeit. phys. Chtm., 1891, 7, 477.

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