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I entered the Temple, the flask stood up and walked around some seven steps, and then fell on its mouth and did homage to me. And I marvelled that even along with the bottle the demon still had power and could walk about; and I commanded it to stand up. And the flask stood up, and stood on its feet all blown out. And I questioned him, saying: " Tell me, who art thou? " And the spirit within said: "I am the demon called Ephippas, that is in Arabia." And I said to him: " Is this thy name? " And he answered: " Yes; wheresoever I will, I alight and set fire and do to death."

122. And I said to him: " By what angel art thou frustrated?" And he answered: " By the only-ruling God, that hath authority over me even to be heard. He that is to be bom of a virgin and crucified by the Jews on a cross. Whom the angels and archangels worship. He doth frustrate me, and enfeeble me of my great strength, which has been given me by my father the devil." And I said to him: "What canst thou do? " And he answered: " I am able to remove * mountains, to overthrow the oaths of kings. I wither trees and make their leaves to fall o£f." And I said to him: " Canst thou raise this stone, and lay it for the beginning of this comer which exists in the fair plan of the Temple ^? " And he said: " Not only raise this, king; but also, with the help of the demon who presides over the Red Sea, I will bring up the pillar of air', and will stand it where thou wilt in Jerusalem.

123. Saying this, I laid stress on him, and the flask became as if depleted of air. And I placed it under the stone, and (the spirit) girded himself up, and lifted it up top of the flask. And the flask went up the steps, carrying the stone, and laid it down at the end of the entrance of the Temple. And I Solomon, beholding the stone raised aloft and placed on a foundation, said: " Truly the Scripture is fulfilled, which says: ' The stone which the builders rejected on trial, that same is become the head of the comer.' For this it is not mine to grant, but God's, that the demon should be strong enough to lift up so great a stone and deposit it in the place I wished."

124. And Ephippas led the demon of the Red Sea with the column. And they both took the column and raised it aloft from the earth. And I outwitted * these two spirits, so that they could not shake the entire earth in a moment of time. And then I sealed round with my

    ^ Cp. the faith which removes mountains.

    ' iv T^ fiirpfvtiq. rod vaov. Bornemann suggests that the gate of the Temple called Beautiful (Acts iii. a, 10) is referred to. ^ t6v depiarriv in MS. I conjecture the sense.

    • xaraaiKpiaaufvos on. Just below I conjecture tJ) before ^Svvayro.
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