CONTENTS. XI PAGE CHAPTER XIX. Extracts from General Custer's Letters from Fort Hays and Fort Wallace- An Account of Killing his First BufTalo-Calf-The Death of Custis Lee-Extract from a Letter Written by General Hancock on the Indian Depredations-Riding to Meet the Mail-T he Doctor Eats Indian Soup in the Village-Some Items Regard- ing a Match Bufialo-Hunt CHAPTER XX. Sacrifices and Self-Denial of Pioneer Duty-Poor Water ^nd Alkaline Dust-Vagaries of Western Water- Ways-Digging in Sunken Stream-Beds for Water -Rivers Unfringed by Trees or Shrubs-The Allur- ing Mirage-A Short Tribute to the Western Pioneers— Their Endurance, Patience and Courage -The Governor of a Western Territory Shines as a Cook as well as a Statesman-The General Writes o his First Buf?alo-Hunt-An Accidental Discharge of his Pistol Kills my Horse, Custis Lee-General Sherman as a Special Providence-The Western Town on a Move-Government makes no Provision for Army Women to say their Prayers-Journey to Fort Hays-The Match Hunt of the Regiment- Supper Given by the Vanquished to the Victors- Reception Given by the Elements on our Arrival- The Tent Goes Down-A Scout to Fort McPherson -A Sentinel Fires on his Friends by Mistake- General Custer sends Escort to take us to his Camp -Captain Robbins and Colonel Cook Attacked, and • Fight for Three Hours '4 29 CHAPTER XXI. Encamped on Big Creek-Preparation for Storms-^ Flood at Fort Hays-Kansas Lightning-Solicitude about a Clothes-Line-Women to the Rescue-Men Saved from Drowning-A New Kind of Ferry-Boat -Gatling Guns as Anchors-Ghastly Lights-Lhza s Narrative-Flora McFlimsey on the Frontier-The ^^^ Retreat to a Prairie Divide 3^^ 35