Lines 992—1017]
Jason, rather heap up the materials for a funeral pile for thine own sons, and prepare a tomb for them. A wife and father-in-law have had the justice done to them which is due to the dead (the fire), they were duly buried by me, (pointing to the first son killed) that son has met his fate already, and this one, in thy very own sight, shall receive a similar end.
By every known deity—by the exile which we have shared in common—and by our marriage-bed, and of which, I can truly say, I have never violated the nuptial confidence, of my own free will;—do spare me one son at all events! If there be any criminal it is I, myself—hand me over to death—sacrifice my criminal life.
I shall use the sword where thou dost not wish it to be visited, and which thou wilt most grieve for—Go now! Proud adulterer, seek for thy marriage-bed amongst the virgins, and quit the presence of her, whom thou hast made a mother!
One child surely is enough punishment for thee to exact!
No! If I could possibly have been satisfied with one slaughter, I should not have sought for any—so that I shall have to slay two, and a small number too, in proportion to the extent of my wrath; and what is more, if there were the most latent germ of motherhood left within my body, I would search out my womb with this sword and extract it forthwith.
Now finish completely the wickedness thou hast so successfully commenced with, and grant me as short a time as possible before thou beginnest to visit me with punishment!
No! Enjoy at thy leisure the results of thy one crime; do not be in any hurry—oh! my angered spirit!—this day is mine—let me use profitably the time agreed upon!