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[Lines 824—859

Dedit & tenui fulfure tedlos

Mulciber ignes. & vivacis 825 Fulgura flammse de cognato Phaethonte tuli. habeo mediae Dona Chimserse. Habeo flammas ufto tauri Gutture raptas; quas permixto 830 Felle Medufse, taciturn juffi Servare malum. Adde venenis ftimulosj Hecate, Donifque meis femina flammse Condila ferva. fallant vifuSj 835 Taiftufque ferant. meet in pedlus Venafque calor. ftillent artus, Offaque fument; vincatque fuas Flagrante coma nova nupta faces. Vota tenentur; ter lati'atus 840 Audax Hecate dedit, & facros Edidit ignes face lu<5tifera. Peradla vis eft omnis. hue natos voca, Pretiofa per quos dona nubenti feras. Ite, ite nati, matris infaufts genus, 845 Placate vobis munere & multa prece Dominam & novercam. vadite, & celeres domum Referte greffus, ultimo amplexu ut fruar.


Furorem Medeae Chorus timet, malitiam ejus exfecratus.

Quonam craenta Mzenas Prseceps amore faevo 850 Rapitur? quod impotent! Facinus parat furore? Vultus citatus ira Riget, & caput feroci Quatiens fuperba motu 855 Regi minatur ultro. Quis credat exfulantem? Flagrant genEE rubentes. Pallor fugat ruborem.

fed on them, each day, when they would re-appear) and who, at the same time, told me the best way of utilising its potency—and Vulcan gave me some of his fire from Ætna, covered over with thin layers of sulphur, and I

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